Lackawanna County Index of Wills
1915 through 1927

Donated by Tom Price, April 2004

This is the third index of Lackawanna County wills, kindly donated by Tom Price.

Other indexes:

Look here for information about where to obtain copies of original wills found in this index.

This page from McDermott to Mittleman

Other Pages:
Abbate-Biesecker Biesecker-Burzak Busch-Comerford Comerford-Davis Davis-Evans Evans-Gallagher
Gallagher-Gumer Gumer-Holloway Holly-Jones Jones-Koehler Koempel-Longo Longo-McDade
Mitzko-Nevins Newcomb-Payton Payton-Reddington Reddington-Ruzinski Ryan-Simpson Simpson-Sweeney
Sweeney-Visneski Visneski-Williams Williams-Zwick      

Surname Given Name Date of Death Estate No. Year
McDermott Ann 07/26/1914 927 1920
McDermott Ann 03/22/1920 380 1920
McDermott Annie M. 09/24/1922 953 1922
McDermott Bridgett 03/27/1915 320 1915
McDermott Catherine 12/01/1925 219 1925
McDermott Catherine M. 02/24/1919 440 1919
McDermott Ellen T. 06/05/1922 581 1922
McDermott James Edw. 12/10/1915 277 1918
McDermott Marion 04/30/1915 407 1915
McDermott Mary E. 11/22/1925 1270 1925
McDermott Mary T. 04/17/1926 428 1926
McDermott Michael 02/21/1923 248 1923
McDermott Thomas 10/18/1927 1092 1927
McDermott William J. 01/27/1919 268 1919
McDonald Sarah 06/26/1918 617 1918
McDonald Alexander 11/18/1918 677 1921
McDonald Anna 03/08/1925 304 1925
McDonald Belle Toy 07/25/1916 641 1916
McDonald Bridget 04/01/1919 881 1919
McDonald Daniel J. 06/25/1918 592 1918
McDonald John J.   1025 1926
McDonald Linda 07/24/1923 929 1923
McDonald Margaret L.   1024 1926
McDonald Martin 01/26/1920 185 1920
McDonald Mary 08/09/1915 745 1915
McDonald Mary 08/03/1918 1192 1923
McDonald Mary E. 05/20/1925 605 1925
McDonald Michael E. 11/28/1921 1229 1921
McDonald Miles 10/28/1918 1314 1918
McDonald Patrick J. 05/04/1918 618 1918
McDonald William A. 05/04/1919 897 1919
McDonald Dinah 08/16/1918 722 1918
McDonnell Ann 08/08/1916 611 1916
McDonnell Bridget 03/01/1924 549 1924
McDonnell Bridget 10/21/1927 1109 1927
McDonnell Catherine 04/23/1915 395 1915
McDonnell Catherine 04/08/1925 440 1925
McDonnell Enos 08/20/1918 1008 1918
McDonnell Eva 08/20/1922 820 1922
McDonnell Frank J. 04/11/1918 343 1918
McDonnell John 01/10/1925 173 1925
McDonnell John M. 06/16/1927 674 1927
McDonnell Margaret 10/21/1918 857 1918
McDonnell Mary 12/20/1919 1179 1920
McDonnell Mary A. 11/17/1921 1188 1921
McDonnell Myles 01/11/1915 81 1915
McDonnell Ralph R. 11/05/1918 1184 1918
McDonnell Thomas J. 09/26/1923 1105 1923
McDonough Ann 06/12/1925 696 1925
McDonough Ann 06/12/1925 696 1925
McDonough Bridget 07/19/1915 204 1916
McDonough Bridget 01/26/1921 88 1921
McDonough Bridget 01/26/1923 156 1923
McDonough Celia 01/28/1927 142 1927
McDonough Edward J. 11/22/1921 1212 1921
McDonough James L. 06/01/1927 779 1927
McDonough M. J. 08/11/1920 858 1920
McDonough Mary 06/26/1918 591 1918
McDonough Mary 11/07/1923 1255 1923
McDonough Mary 06/25/1920 738 1920
McDonough Michael 07/01/1920 719 1920
McDonough Michael J. 11/28/1925 1292 1925
McDonough Patrick F. 05/01/1925 512 1925
McDonough W. J. 05/03/1922 489 1922
McDougall Mary Cooper   593 1916
McElligott John J. 04/27/1917 46 1918
McFadden Annie   65 1918
McFadden Edward Presumed Dead 518 1922
McFadden Michael 01/31/1918 362 1918
McFadden Thomas 08/26/1917 704 1917
McFarland Frank 11/10/1920 1192 1920
McGarrah William H. 01/28/1917 405 1917
McGarrity Henry 05/05/1913 35 1921
McGarry Bridget 05/01/1916 335 1916
McGarry John 03/03/1920 362 1920
McGarry Mary 10/15/1920 1072 1920
McGarry Patrick 08/21/1923 980 1923
McGarry Roger 11/10/1914 514 1916
McGarry Thomas J. 12/02/1920 482 1921
McGee Francis 12/12/1916 913 1916
McGee John W. 06/03/1923 743 1923
McGee William 10/27/1924 1119 1924
McGeever Catherine 06/17/1927 681 1927
McGeever James 02/13/1917 168 1917
McGinley Patrick J. 05/04/1921 350 1923
McGinnis Hannah 01/10/1920 42 1920
McGinnis James 01/31/1918 163 1918
McGinnis Thomas 06/03/1917 789 1917
McGinnis William 09/20/1920 1015 1920
McGinty John 05/27/1917 947 1927
McGlauflin William H. 03/08/1927 414 1927
McGlone John, Sr. 03/14/1919 177 1921
McGlynn J. P. 08/02/1920 354 1921
McGoff Anthony 09/09/1920 227 1921
McGoff Martin 02/22/1926 261 1926
McGovern Michael J.   338 1927
McGowan Maria J. 05/10/1919 769 1919
McGowan Mark 03/05/1926 263 1926
McGowan Thomas 05/14/1924 842 1924
McGrail Kate 01/23/1919 406 1919
McGranaghan Catherine 08/30/1921 1354 1921
McGrath Dora 08/30/1927 958 1927
McGrath Elizabeth 05/17/1917 564 1917
McGrath John T. 03/04/1920 306 1920
McGrath Mary 03/06/1915 222 1915
McGrath Michael 10/19/1922 1172 1923
McGraw Ellen 12/28/1912 869 1915
McGraw Jane 01/28/1923 628 1923
McGreevey Bryan 06/09/1920 656 1920
McGreevy Bernard 05/16/1915 460 1915
McGreevy John F. 04/13/1924 461 1924
McGroarty Mary L. 11/26/1918 1370 1918
McGuiness Mary E. 10/05/1925 1101 1925
McGuinis John 01/23/1923 175 1924
McGuinnes William 04/05/1920 901 1920
McGuire Barbara 01/01/1919 42 1919
McGuire Bridget 07/09/1915 614 1915
McGuire Bridget 09/21/1917 786 1917
McGuire Bridget 09/10/1925 1125 1925
McGuire Catherine 12/25/1926 1323 1926
McGuire Edward P. 02/13/1923 301 1923
McGuire John F. 10/02/1916 761 1916
McGuire Michael 04/12/1923 647 1923
McGuire Patrick H. 11/30/1922 1173 1922
McGuire Roger 01/01/1915 28 1915
McGuire Thomas 11/28/1918 1254 1918
McGuire Thomas 05/18/1919 576 1920
McGure Dominick 11/19/1915 549 1916
McGurl John 04/18/1925 646 1925
McGurl Michael 05/01/1911 473 1926
McGurrin Margaret F. 02/15/1918 189 1918
McGurrin Martin A. 11/01/1918 226 1927
McGurrin Michael 11/23/1918 219 1918
McHale Ann 05/26/1920 673 1920
McHale Anna 01/25/1919 382 1919
McHale Bridget   393 1922
McHale Frank P. 12/18/1923 1391 1923
McHale Henry 12/16/1922 1232 1922
McHale Hubert 06/24/1916 512 1916
McHale James P. 02/04/1916 99 1916
McHale Jeanette B. 10/20/1918 977 1918
McHale John 04/04/1916 695 1922
McHale John 05/28/1922 620 1922
McHale John 12/12/1926 434 1927
McHale John J. 08/06/1918 688 1918
McHale John J. 10/26/1923 1230 1923
McHale Margaret 05/06/1926 533 1926
McHale Margaret J. 05/07/1926 533 1926
McHale Mary 10/04/1915 915 1915
McHale Mary 03/02/1917 829 1917
McHale Mary 03/15/1921 306 1921
McHale Mary 11/16/1926 1195 1026
McHale Mary B. 10/27/1922 1062 1922
McHale Michael 09/07/1920 1035 1920
McHale Mrs. Michael 10/04/1915 915 1915
McHale Nell 03/30/1926 374 1026
McHale Patrick 02/06/1920 116 1920
McHale Richard H. 01/18/1925 84 1925
McHale Robert 12/05/1926 1298 1926
McHale Sarah 08/29/1910 860 1919
McHale Thomas 10/30/1905 436 1924
McHale Thomas 12/17/1917 259 1918
McHale Thomas 08/06/1918 55 1919
McHale William H. 12/21/1927 1332 1927
McHugh Ann 03/11/1923 298 1923
McHugh Arthur 02/03/1920 149 1920
McHugh Bridget 04/08/1915 367 1915
McHugh Bridget 07/15/1922 1100 1922
McHugh Catherine 04/07/1923 1045 1923
McHugh Cornelius 10/16/1918 371 1925
McHugh John H. 04/23/1919 759 1926
McHugh Leo 12/01/1920 219 1921
McHugh Teresa J. 02/15/1918 235 1918
McIntyre Margaret 07/25/1925 886 1925
McIntyre Patrick 08/02/1926 848 1926
McKay William 07/29/1918 866 1918
McKee Mary A. 09/16/1915 825 1915
McKee Mary A. 09/16/1915 825 1915
McKeeby Harry R. 11/27/1915 1020 1915
McKelvey Deborah J. 05/27/1919 941 1919
McKenna Patrick F. 05/12/1916 421 1916
McKenney John 03/12/1920 526 1920
McKercher Alexnder 10/15/1918 933 1918
McKinley Frances 05/09/1919 782 1919
McKinna Martin 05/29/1919 1155 1920
McLaine Edward A. 04/13/1925 499 1925
McLane Bridget 05/15/1922 896 1922
McLane Catherine 05/02/1927 524 1927
McLane Dorothy V. 12/13/1919 402 1920
McLane Michael 02/14/1916 238 1916
McLane Thomas 10/19/1918 987 1918
McLarn John 01/03/1919 401 1919
McLaughlin Bridget 05/31/1917 1192 1918
McLaughlin Catherine 06/07/1922 669 1922
McLaughlin Fanny 04/16/1915 519 1915
McLaughlin George H. 08/29/1921 892 1921
McLaughlin Gerald M. 04/19/1922 499 1922
McLaughlin Joseph 03/13/1916 255 1918
McLaughlin Julia 03/28/1921 487 1921
McLaughlin Mary 02/17/1922 178 1922
McLaughlin Mary Eliz. 11/21/1918 1160 1918
McLaughlin Michael 10/14/1922 1038 1922
McLaughlin P. J. 09/02/1922 857 1922
McLaughlin Sarah 05/18/1920 1074 1920
McLaughlin Thomas 09/27/1915 64 1916
McLaughlin Walter 05/27/1925 656 1925
McLaughlin William 11/29/1917 932 1917
McLean Anna M. 03/27/1920 372 1920
McLean Minnie 03/13/1910 640 1915
McLean Susan 11/26/1926 1259 1926
McLeod Winifred 11/11/1922 1101 1922
McMahon Mary 11/25/1916 25 1917
McMaines Ellen 11/26/1916 26 1917
McManaman Ann 01/17/1919 381 1919
McManaman Patrick J. 03/08/1916 216 1916
McManamon Ellen 12/21/1916 13 1917
McManus Catherine 03/07/1917 982 1917
McManus N. J. (Rev) 08/26/1922 876 1922
McMillan James 09/26/1902 1263 1923
McMillan William S. 03/06/1926 297 1926
McMullen Isabelle P. 08/31/1916 643 1916
McMullen Louise A. 10/02/1923 1124 1923
McMullen Mary L 02/04/1916 648 1916
McMullen Silas A. 04/03/1920 389 1920
McMullen Silas A. 04/03/1920 389 1920
McMurtrie Scott 04/25/1926 470 1926
McMyne Adam 05/12/1923 654 1923
McNally Agnes 11/16/1927 1293 1927
McNally Ann 08/09/1917 661 1917
McNally Bridget 08/07/1910 1077 1921
McNally James 10/05/1924 1032 1924
McNally Sarah 01/13/1918 170 1918
McNally William 02/12/1918 171 1918
McNamara Hannah 02/25/1921 221 1921
McNamara James 01/07/1925 41 1927
McNamara Mary 06/05/1921 633 1921
McNamara Mary A. 03/24/1925 327 1925
McNamara Patrick 06/04/1917 497 1917
McNealis John J. 03/24/1925 836 1926
McNeil Andrew 08/24/1918 725 1918
McNeil Bessie 05/10/1923 730 1923
McNeish James 23 February 1896 1035 1919
McNichols Wa;ter 01/11/1924 69 1924
McNish Martin 03/25/1924 18 1927
McNulty Bridget 10/09/1926 1253 1926
McNulty Catherine 01/10/1917 59 1917
McNulty Charles 12/11/1927 1362 1927
McNulty Eugene 09/22/1920 365 1921
McNulty John 05/16/1917 478 1917
McNulty John 02/03/1920 1176 1920
McNulty Margaret 10/18/1922 523 1923
McNulty Marie 05/13/1920 944 1920
McNulty Mary F. 08/28/1922 895 1922
McNulty Michael 04/20/1920 482 1920
McNulty Nora 05/07/1918 667 1918
McNulty Patrick 05/19/1927 850 1927
McNulty Thomas 05/23/1924 1012 1924
McPeak Patrick 11/26/1921 1228 1921
McPhee Romain S. 07/11/1922 708 1922
McPheeters Jessie 10/02/1918 831 1918
McQueen Delia 05/22/1918 809 1918
McQueen H. J. 02/20/1920 227 1920
McRill Sarah Eliz. 12/06/1918 1329 1918
McTaggart James 10/29/1924 1106 1924
McTamney Catherine F. 07/08/1919 863 1927
McTighe Catherine 11/29/1925 1321 1925
McTighe Thomas 02/16/1920 222 1920
McWade Ellen 05/01/1918 555 1918
Mead Charles D. 01/27/1917 104 1917
Mead Frank A. 12/11/1916 907 1916
Mead Helen 05/29/1925 797 1925
Mead Ransom 09/19/1916 763 1916
Meadway Frank 07/30/1921 796 1921
Meale Thomas 11/21/1915 1025 1915
Mears James 02/05/1927 435 1927
Mecca Angeline 03/16/1925 302 1925
Mecca Angelo 03/26/1926 352 1926
Mecca Angelo V. 08/26/1923 983 1923
Mecca Donato 07/11/1923 92 1924
Mecca Donato 07/08/1925 121 1926
Mecca James 05/12/1919 1026 1919
Mecca Vito V. 04/29/1927 606 1927
Mecco Angelo 03/26/1926 352 1926
Mechler Christina 10/27/1927 1189 1927
Meckler Mary Agnes 07/06/1916 546 1916
Medico Michael 08/13/1918 733 1918
Medinski Thomas 01/17/1920 68 1920
Meehan Bridget 06/23/1911 883 1927
Meehan John 11/05/1918 1224 1918
Meehan Mary E. 12/29/1916 30 1917
Meehan Mary H. 05/27/1915 518 1915
Meehan Michael J. 10/08/1919 1508 1919
Meehan Michael J. 01/31/1926 353 1926
Meehan Sabina 10/25/1918 811 1919
Meeker Mary E. 03/16/1920 506 1920
Meenan Thomas Jos. 10/23/1918 908 1918
Megelinski Peter 04/13/1917 345 1917
Mehl Kuni 03/25/1918 298 1918
Mehlbaum Catharine 04/05/1925 466 1925
Meicher Lukyan 12/28/1921 1328 1921
Meighan John 07/19/1920 793 1920
Meixell J. C. 10/26/1923 1278 1923
Mekutel Ignatz 05/17/1915 464 1915
Mela William 09/08/1918 635 1919
Melchior Elizabeth 04/30/1924 537 1924
Melito Rocco 10/31/1918 934 1918
Melley Edward J. (Rev.) 08/12/1922 795 1922
Mellody Ann 01/26/1926 191 1926
Mellody James 10/26/1921 1248 1921
Mellody John 02/01/1916 95 1916
Melnick Nicholas 02/02/1925 145 1925
Melville Catherine 03/15/1925 1124 1926
Melvin Margaret 10/02/1915 54 1916
Melvin Patrick 02/18/1920 420 1920
Melvin Thomas 10/12/1923 1206 1923
Mendelson Sam 05/11/1916 771 1916
Mengoni Anselmo 07/09/1925 1082 1925
Menichetti Ermine 11/21/1921 1269 1921
Menichetti Gildo 11/21/1921 1269 1921
Menoczki John 01/29/1915 773 1916
Menzel Kasamier 01/07/1925 48 1925
Menzo Carmelo 09/11/1911 302 1916
Merallio Vincenzo 04/26/1920 737 1920
Mercer Bentley C. 01/15/1922 351 1922
Mercer Bentley H. 01/15/1922 351 1922
Mercereau Charles L. 11/01/1923 1218 1923
Meredith John H. 08/24/1917 721 1917
Meredith Stella D. 06/01/1925 657 1926
Mereno Max 07/09/1915 626 1915
Merk Ribba 11/27/1911 775 1916
Merriam Annie 07/24/1927 791 1926
Merriam Everett F. 10/13/1918 962 1918
Merrick Ellen 06/24/1926 703 1926
Merrick Josephine C. 08/27/1923 1383 1923
Merrick Margaret 01/26/1918 153 1918
Merrifield A. J. 04/02/1926 358 1926
Merrifield Cornelia J. 02/22/1923 493 1923
Merrifield Edward 01/18/1918 1146 1919
Merrigan Patrick 08/11/1918 767 1918
Merrill Anna A. 03/13/1922 261 1922
Merrill Augusta T. 12/13/1917 25 1918
Merryweather Sarah 01/31/1919 283 1919
Mershon John W. 05/08/1924 520 1924
Mershon Sabina A. 08/15/1915 724 1915
Merva Teresa 03/28/1918 474 1918
Mesalar Frank 04/26/1917 463 1917
Meshco George 02/14/1921 408 1921
Mesiner Mary A. D. 01/27/1921 99 1921
Messinger John W.   197 1924
Metcalf Joseph 04/09/1925 564 1924
Metcalf Leng 11/08/1915 565 1916
Metcalf Mary Ann 09/18/1915 846 1915
Metrowski Maria 02/16/1927 340 1927
Metz Frank B. 08/05/1919 122 1920
Metz Henry 12/10/1918 1311 1918
Metzgar Mary 06/23/1923 839 1923
Metzheiser John 09/18/1923 1087 1923
Meyerhoffer Josepha 02/01/1923 156 1924
Meyers Albert C. 12/12/1915 1037 1915
Meyers Herman 02/15/1924 259 1924
Meyers Josephine 08/30/1915 892 1915
Meyers Martin 07/09/1916 596 1916
Meyers Minnie A. 08/12/1915 712 1915
Meyl George 12/13/1925 663 1926
Meylert Amos N.   818 1919
Mezzanotte Angelo 09/30/1917 773 1917
Michael Thomas 03/21/1927 373 1927
Michaels George W. 07/22/1920 846 1920
Michaels Thomas J. 09/19/1923 1114 1923
Michalek Joseph 02/17/1923 207 1925
Michalek Tadeusz 6 Sept 127 969 1927
Michalik Frank 05/04/1915 396 1915
Michalko Bertha 09/23/1921 965 1921
Michalowski John 03/13/1927 705 1927
Michele Henry 10/10/1915 1233 1919
Mickel Jerry 01/03/1919 427 1919
Mickel Nancy 04/21/1917 426 1919
Mickel William H. 08/17/1922 854 1922
Micko George 12/24/1923 1398 1923
Midano Wassil 04/09/1918 388 1918
Middleton H. A. 02/07/1918 168 1918
Mieckowski Barney 05/08/1919 762 1919
Miglin Rose 11/26/1924 1322 1924
Migliosi Egisto 11/05/1921 1215 1921
Mihalko Bertha 09/23/1921 1218 1921
Mika Joseph 10/29/1918 1336 1918
Mikavitz Anthony 01/26/1918 296 1918
Miklus Peter 06/25/1916 561 1916
Mikolon Andrew 05/10/1925 558 1925
Miks Telka 03/11/1925 325 1925
Mikula Stephen 12/27/1926 121 1927
Mikulski Anthony 05/20/1926 553 1926
Mikuta Jozef 07/13/1917 309 1918
Milazzo Erasmo 08/29/1923 997 1923
Miles Caroline E.   1272 1926
Miles Delia 04/19/1922 492 1922
Miles John O. 11/15/1917 893 1917
Miles Sarah J. 05/14/1925 645 1925
Milewski Andrew 08/03/1925 1338 1925
Milewsky Andrew 08/03/1925 1338 1925
Milich Elizabeth 04/21/1923 534 1923
Miliszkevich Ignas 03/04/1920 326 1920
Millar George V. 02/04/1920 134 1920
Miller Abbie Anna 10/25/1917 881 1917
Miller Adam 12/13/1926 104 1927
Miller Adam T. 04/19/1917 360 1917
Miller Albert H. 06/06/1924 985 1924
Miller Anna 03/19/1923 491 1923
Miller Anna Maria 06/14/1927 707 1927
Miller Benjamin 05/12/1916 401 1916
Miller Caroline 04/12/1925 471 1925
Miller Charles 07/18/1926 784 1926
Miller Charles E. 12/15/1926 29 1927
Miller Charles W. 8 September 1873 55 1916
Miller Christian 02/07/1916 135 1916
Miller Clarissa G. 03/02/1920 872 1921
Miller David G. 02/03/1917 138 1917
Miller Edward 12/20/1914 84 1915
Miller Effie Eliz. 02/14/1915 156 1915
Miller Elizabeth 03/25/1921 956 1921
Miller Elizabeth 02/08/1925 275 1925
Miller Emma 07/17/1923 926 1923
Miller Emma 01/11/1926 52 1926
Miller Frances C 10/19/1925 1140 1925
Miller Fred 10/24/1918 949 1918
Miller Friedericka 04/28/1923 586 1923
Miller G. A. 04/13/1915 344 1915
Miller George 10/15/1918 1143 1918
Miller Harry 10/05/1918 252 1919
Miller Harry D. 06/20/1920 677 1920
Miller Henry 03/31/1918 316 1918
Miller Henry 08/27/1922 836 1922
Miller Irwin 10/15/1916 790 1916
Miller James 06/22/1921 160 1924
Miller Jerome G.   365 1917
Miller John S. 01/20/1922 75 1922
Miller Josephine 12/11/1919 36 1920
Miller Julianna 12/24/1921 1331 1921
Miller Katharina 08/31/1915 761 1915
Miller Louisa 11/29/1914 392 1916
Miller Lucy A. 04/04/1922 473 1922
Miller Malinda S. 08/05/1921 845 1921
Miller Margaret 10/27/1917 957 1917
Miller Margaret E. 11/23/1926 1301 1926
Miller Margaret K.   1252 1926
Miller Margaretha 01/09/1920 206 1920
Miller Matilda M. 02/27/1924 293 1924
Miller Merenas C. 09/20/1925 1058 1925
Miller Nancy Jane 02/05/1917 139 1917
Miller O. P. 11/13/1925 1227 1925
Miller Orpha D. 01/27/1916 103 1916
Miller Orville J. 11/21/1915 991 1915
Miller Ralph Wm. 12/18/1918 1379 1918
Miller Richard 01/03/1921 69 1921
Miller Ricka 04/28/1923 586 1923
Miller Robert 11/03/1925 1187 1925
Miller Sarah 03/26/1921 317 1921
Miller Sarah J. 06/17/1921 713 1921
Miller Stephen E. 03/31/1918 356 1918
Miller Susannah 03/07/1925 305 1926
Miller Telka Phillips 08/11/1920 836 1920
Miller Theodore H. 05/07/1923 622 1923
Miller Thomas 03/17/1919 1013 1919
Miller W. B. 02/01/1915 114 1915
Miller William W. 12/07/1916 909 1916
Miller Wood 07/22/1925 852 1925
Millett Mary L. 11/27/1921 1217 1921
Milligan John, Sr. 09/26/1927 1308 1927
Milliken James M 09/03/1917 754 1917
Millikin Catherine 07/28/1921 787 1921
Mills Dwight 08/30/1921 988 1921
Mills Edgar E. 10/26/1917 823 1917
Mills George E. 06/22/1925 731 1925
Mills Jason J. 09/04/1917 698 1917
Milner John E. 01/23/1915 993 1915
Milnes Thomas H. 03/22/1926 341 1926
Milnick Harry 07/01/1917 611 1917
Mineika Alex 08/06/1917 665 1917
Mineika Annie 02/24/1917 195 1917
Minella Tomase 03/17/1920 345 1920
Minkinski John (Rev.) 02/05/1921 237 1921
Minnich Emilie 04/18/1915 354 1915
Minniozzi Germano 12/03/1915 228 1916
Mirabelli Joseph 02/17/1916 152 1917
Mirtz George, Sr. 10/30/1915 948 1915
Mischianti Luigi 10/29/1918 920 1918
Misener May A. D. 01/27/1921 99 1921
Miskell Joseph F. 04/18/1918 625 1918
Misler Joe 12/29/1926 8 1927
Missett Joseph 07/30/1916 627 1916
Misson Peter 03/03/1915 370 1915
Mitchell Andrew 03/21/1923 478 1923
Mitchell George 03/26/1926 383 1926
Mitchell James F. 10/14/1925 1141 1925
Mitchell John 07/02/1917 627 1917
Mitchell M. J. 10/09/1915 890 1915
Mitchell Mary H. 05/01/1916 59 1925
Mitchell Maybelle 01/08/1926 69 1926
Mitchell Milton P. 10/22/1920 1114 1920
Mitchell Mina B. K. 04/05/1920 557 1920
Mitchell Thomas 09/25/1925 1064 1925
Mitchkoski Bronislaw 10/20/1918 1015 1918
Mitros Frank 10/23/1918 878 1918
Mitrowicz Joseph 03/29/1919 682 1919
Mitsko George 12/24/1923 1398 1923
Mittan John R. 04/24/1917 381 1917
Mitteer George W. 08/19/1914 150 1915
Mittelman Benjamin 02/09/1925 168 1925
Mittelman William 11/21/1921 1151 1922
Mittleman Benjamin 02/09/1925 741 1926

These documents are made available free to the public for non-commercial purposes by the Lackawanna County, PAGenWeb Project.

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