Lackawanna County, PAGenWeb
1890 Scranton Republican Almanac

1890 Scranton Republican Almanac
Most of the pages in this almanac are generic. Below are scans of those that are specific to the Scranton area. First are the "Chronological Record of Important Local Events During the Year 1889." The information was "Compiled from the files of the Scranton Republican." Names mentioned (in order of appearance) on each page are listed to help in your search. Records are not just of Scranton and include events, deaths, unusual weather, and politics.
The text and images on this page may by saved for personal research, but may not be published in any form, including on another web site, without specific permission. Images copyrighted 2010 by Susan Carter White Pieroth.  Transcription of the 1889 events by Lauren Hernandez, March 2011.
Events of 1889

1 - Spring-like weather. Business suspended. 3,000 young men entertained at the Y.M.C.A. rooms with music and refreshments. Public installation of Knights of Pythias. Bachelors' Club hold their first annual at the Wyoming.

2 - John Feltz found dead on No. 5 mountain.

3 - Public installation at armory of officers (colored) of Sosthenese Lodge, I.O.O.F. Bishop Vincent lectures at the Academy for benefit of Home for the Friendless on "Out of School Folks." Red Nosed Mike arrested in Philadelphia.

4 - Public installation of officers of Women's Relief Corps and Ezra S. Griffin Post.

5 - W. D. Egan arrested in Dunmore for counterfeiting. Building of Miles McHale, Fellows street, destroyed by fire.

7 - Martin Welsh killed in Johnson's mine. The municipal bill declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court. County officers assume their duties. At Hazleton, Dr. J. H. Myer kills his wife and takes his own life - mutual understanding.

9 - Red Nosed Mike and Francisco Chiriacko committed for murder of McClure and Flannagan.

10 - Otto Spindler suicides in Centerstreet. The old Welsh Baptist Church at Wilkes-Barre burned.

11 - William Ellis, Dalton, killed on D., L., & W. road. Annual meeting of Home for Friendless held in YMCA.

12 - Death of Hon. John M. Poor, aged 80.

14 - John O'Malley killed at Port Griffith on the Lehigh Valley road. Constitutional Amendment Association organized at Wilkes-Barre, John Wells Hollenback, president.

15 - James Garrahan, Dallas, commits suicide, aged 80.

16 - James Selden Blair dies. Daniel Noack run over and killed by D, L & W train, Moscow. Postoffice at Avoca robbed and T. McLaughlin's store fired.

17 - Owen Williams killed at the Henry breaker.

18 - Hon. E. C. Wadham dies.

19 - The station at Peckville robbed of several valuable articles.

21 - Pierree, the Greek, defeats Sorahichi, the Jap, in a wrestling match at Turner Hall. Opening season of the Archdeaconry held at St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Judge Gunster orders an equal division of 12th ward between first and second election districts. Richard R. Edwards' house and contents burned at Edwardsville.

22 - Contest of Jacobs vs. Wren for prothonotary of Luzerne county dismissed by Judge Rice. Morgan Brothers' drug store gutted by fire.

23 - Andrew S. Schoen, Jackson Street, commits suicide by shooting.

24 - Miss Alof Krarer, an Esquimaux, lectures on people of her country in YMCA Hall. Erich C. Shantus and Chester Owen killed by mine explosion, Nanticoke.

25 - Caledonians celebrate 130th anniversary of Burns. Ex-prisoners of war held their annual meeting. Stephen Voluski killed on D & H near Yatesville. J. D. Cooper's residence, Kingston, burned.

26 - George Spitz's Store at Olyphant robbed of $300 worth of goods. Mrs. James Mulaskey struck by engine at Sugar Notch and killed.

27 - Officer Ellis S. Ellis fatally wounded in a fight with tramps near Briggs shaft.

28 - Boiler in Alfred Harvey's silk mill explodes, killed Michael Schistel, engineer, and scalding Horace Alexander. The dead body of William H. Hennigan found in canal, Nanticoke. Kingston organizes Board of Trade.

30 - Scranton Base Ball Association disbands.

31 - George Worchie killed in Pine Brook mine. An English Congregational Church formed at Providence.

1 - Giles Leach crushed to death in the machinery of mill at Chinchilla. Horace Alexander injured in the silk mill disaster dies.

3 - H. S. Pierce dies, aged 73 years.

6 - The convention of W.C.T.U., of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties, meets at Pittston.

7 - Mrs. J. K. Barney lectures on prison work for women in YMCA Hall. Mr. A. T. McClintock's residence, Wlikes-Barre, badly damaged by fire and water. John P. Williams, conductor on L & B road, run over and killed.

8 - James Hosie and his horse struck by an engine at Bellevue crossing and killed.

9 - Residence of Andrew, Ninth-street, burned. John Dombacher, 11th ward, suicides by hanging. Mrs. C. Lorenz thrown from a carriage and badly injured.

10 - "Red Nose" Mike (Michael Rozello), convicted in first degree for complicity in the murder of McClure and Flannagan on the mountain. Charles Green, England, and Antonio Pierre, wrestle 2 1/2 hours without a fall.

12 - Jacob Fleisher's stock of goods, Penn avenue, destroyed by fire and water. Sons of Veterans celebrate 80th anniversary of birth of Lincoln. George E. Vincent lectures on "Moorish Monuments in Spain," before the Science and History Institute.

13 - Rev. M. P. Stack dies in Lackawanna hospital.

14 - Red Nose Mike's counsel files reasons for a new trial.

15 - Gov. Beaver and several members of his staff attend tenth annual presentation of trophies and badges to members of 13th regiment at Armory, banquet at Westminster. John Gray and one Tigue attempt to burn Ambrose Augustine's shanty, at Cork Lane, Augustine shot and killed Gray.

16 - Lackawanna Lodge I.O.O.F. dedicates its hall on Wyoming avenue, reception in evening.

17 - Thirty feet of surface on Mulberry street between Monroe and Quincy, caves in, water and gas pipes broken. Rev. Mr. Wright preaches to camps 178 and 333 P.O.S. of A. at M. E. Church, Hyde Park.

18 - Jacob Keiper dies.

19 - John Gibbons elected city treasurer and J. George Eisele controller. Posten's jewelry store in Moscow destroyed by fire.

20 - Judge Archbald signs order for Keegan's removal to Danville asylum. William Ingerdorf killed on Jersey Central road at Wilkes-Barre.

21 - Charity ball held at City Guard Armory.

22 - Over 2,500 participate in Washington Birthday parade, business suspended. An Eisteddfod held in Landmesser's Hall.

23 - Charles Beasley charged with murder of Joseph Wilson, discharged. Theo Stackhouse, brakeman, killed on D L & W. Ten degrees below zero.

24 - The new M. E. Church, Dunmore, dedicated.

25 - The Bicycle Club House formally opened by reception, collation and dancing. Eleven young girls burned to death by explosion in squib factory at Plymouth. Judge Rice denies application for new trial for Red Nose Mike and he is sentenced to death. Kingston fire department organized.

26 - First annual reception, promenade concert and ball of Coeur de Lion Commandery, Knights Templar, Music Hall. Tom Cannon defeats Charles Green in a wrestling match.

27 - John Reilly's house, Wilkes-Barre, robbed of $800. Victims of the Plymouth squib factory disaster buried, business suspended.

28 - M. H. Howell's paper box factory, Linden Street, damaged by fire.


A yellow book, issued at Pekin, gives the population of China proper in 1887 at 303,241,869.

An official estimate of the population of Greece places it at 2,187,208


1 - The Ancient Britons honor St. David by Eisteddfod, St. David's Hall. Cymrodorions have a banquet at the Wyoming.

2 - The 13th regiment leaves for Washington to attend inauguration of Gen. Harrison.

3 - A fire destroyed M. J. Davies' butcher shops, barns and contents.

4 - Stephen Shaltiz killed at L. I. C. Co's ore dumps. John Mitchell Club celebrate Robert Emmet's anniversary, Academy of Music. Edward O'Meagher Condon, orator. U.S. Circuit Court convenes with Judge Achison presiding. Death of O. P. Clark.

6 - Thirteenth regiment returns from Washington. Death of Dr. Lewis Van Sickle, Nicholson, aged 55.

7 - Hayden P. Austin, brakeman, killed on D. L. & W. Four-year old boy, Mrs. Mary Gallena, run over by electric car at Sand Banks and killed. Houses of Patrick Mangan and Mrs. Carey, Wilkes-Barre, burned.

8 - The Constitutional Amendment Association, of Lackawanna county, organized, addressed by Justice Alfred Hand.

9 - Session of U.S. Court closes, nine persons convicted of various offenses against government and sentenced to penitentiary.

10 - Tabernacle Congressional Church dedicated. Antonio Pandolph fatally stabbed by Carlo Granda at Bull's Head.

11 - R. R. Batersly crushed to death by cars at D L & W station. Injunction restraining Scranton Steel Co. dumping matter in channel of Lackawanna river made permanent. Rev. Dr. J. W. Hamilton lectures on "Placed and Misplaced People" in Adams avenue M. E. Church. Considerable area of surface on Washburn street sinks.

12 - W. M. Silkman sells property corner Wyoming and Spruce to Charles Schlager for $45,000. Branch of the Bristol American Association organized. Otto Schmidt, Wilkes-Barre, killed by cars at Mud Run.

14 - Board of Trade holds annual banquet at Westminster, Erastus Winan and F. B. Thurber guests. Reunion of 6th regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Reserves at Ezra Friffin hall, banquet at Hanley's in the evening. Death of Thomas Moore, aged 64.

16 - James McDonald lost a leg in an accident at Jermyn. Lehigh and Eastern railroad purchased by Silas Newburger for $190,000 at sheriff's sale, Wilkes-Barre.

18 - Eisteddod, St. Mary's Hall, Providence, Taylorville Choral Societies carry of main prize.

19 - The Lackawanna Bar holds annual banquet at Wyoming.

20 - D. P. Williams killed by kick of a horse. G. A. Kemmerling dies. Shops of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, at Ashley, burned.

21 - Charles Nier has needle drawn from foot by placing it near the dynamos, Suburban plan.

22 - The D & H Co. enjoined from interfering with Scranton and Forest City line of railroad in Carbondale.

23 - Patrick Connors run over by train on Luzerne street and killed. Four inches of snow at Laurel Run.

26 - The Globe Warehouse gutted by fire, loss $150,000. D. M. Jones appointed postmaster. Auxiliaries of Wyoming District of Women's Foreign Missions meet in Franklin street M. E. Church, Wilkes-Barre.

28 - The Carbondale YMCA gymnasium visits Scranton club.

29 - D. M. Jones confirmed postmaster of Scranton. Richard P. McHugh's residence on Fillmore Avenue burned.

31 - William S. Sloan, New York, addresses the railroad men at YMCA Hall. YMCA celebrates its twenty-first anniversary in five city churches. Several inches of snow fall.


A small codfish will produce nearly two millions of eggs. A single pair of herrings, if allowed to produce undisturbed and multiply for twenty years, would supply the whole world with an abundance of food.

Brazil is almost wholly a Roman Catholic State, having a population of 14,000,000 and an area of 3,000,000 square miles.


1 - Booth and Barrett play "Othello" at Academy. Richard Thornton drowned at Beach Haven.

3 - Wyoming conference M. E. Church convenes in Pittston, Bishop Foss presiding.

4 - Henry Rosar killed in Connell's mines. The Globe Warehouse settle fire loss for $104,000. Stelle & Seeley open music. Concert by Madame Carreno. M. E. Church, Hanover Center, dedicated.

7 - Dr. Logan addresses young men at YMCA hall.

8 - Barn in Dix alley burned together with two horses of Stelle & Seeley. Perry organ factory and the broom factory, Wilkes-Barre, burned.

9 - Right of confirmation administered to twenty by Bishop Nicholson, Grace Church.

11 - 3,000 participated in the Parnell parade, large meeting in armory. Charles Grande, who killed Antonio Pandolph, arrested at Uniondale. Mrs. Catherine Rose burned to death, Wilkes-Barre. East German M. E. conference opens in Adams avenue German Church.

12 - Forest House closed by sheriff, J. E. Payfair, proprietor.

14 - The injunction against George R. Clark for erecting a bay window on Spruce Street dissolved.

15 - The Presbytery of Lackawanna meets at Kingston.

16 - Rhea appears in "Much Ado About Nothing" at Academy. Ladies form a Constitutional Amendment Association. E. P. Williams fatally shoots Tom Gallagher, Wilkes-Barre.

17 - Baseball season opens at Wilkes-Barre, Philadelphians defeated, 10 to 9.

18 - H. C. Spaulding lectures on electricity at Board of Trade room.

19 - Two little children of Michael Cunningham die from eating wild parsnips.

20 - Easter observance in all the churches - special music. D. M. Jones takes possession of postoffice.

21 - Mike Dernko murders Michael Crane at Marshwood, Moosic mountains.

24 - George F. Jacobus buys the effects of the Forest House.

25 - Ex-Judge Edmund L. Dana, Wilkes-Barre, dies, aged 75.

26 - The Republican issues first number, six pages, from its new building, Washington Avenue.

27 - Thirteenth regiment leaves for New York to participate in Washington Centennial parade.

28 - Dr. S. C. Logan and Dr. D. Spencer preach Washington Centennial sermons. Rev. Mr. Swentzel preaches to members of St. George's Society.

29 - Business suspended in honor of centennial inauguration of Washington. Union services in First Presbyterian Church, also at St. Luke's and the Catholic churches.


Facts About Scranton

It ships more tons of coal daily than any other city in the world.

It makes more steel rails yearly than any other city in the world.

There is more horse-power, to the square mile, in the Lackawanna-Wyoming Valley than in any other place in the world.

It has the cheapest and safest steam-producing fuel in the world.

It uses more electricity, for power purposes, than any other city of its size in the United States.

Its twenty-five miles of street car lines are all run by electricity, generated by coal waste, at a cost of a cent and a half per horse power per day.

Six companies pay out over $4,000,000 monthly, in wages.

It is the commercial center of the Lackawanna-Wyoming Valley with a population of over 300,000.

Its banks have $1,000,000 capital stock, with surplus and deposits of $7,500,000.

Its undeveloped industries form a tempting field for investments.

Four and one-half hours from New York. Five hours from Philadelphia.


The debt of Canada amounts to $284,513,841.


1 - Thirteenth regiment returns from New York.

2 - The Protective Order of Elks instituted at the Wyoming, banquet in evening.

3 - Snow falls on the Moosic mountain above Carbondale.

5 - Rev. J. E. Price preaches to the P. O. S. of A. Corps.

6 - Melchoir Huber commits suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. Thomas E. Reynolds appointed county detective.

7 - TMCA holds annual reception at YMCA Hall. Thomas Cavanaugh, an insane patient at Ransom Poor Farm, kills Judson Fritchie.

8 - Gas and Water Co. shuts the electric lights off from city.

9 - The mercury ran up to 90 degrees in the shade.

10 - Mercury 94, great wind storm. Harry Umlah terribly punished in a ten round prize fight with Jester at Butter Milk Falls. Joint session of Councils pass resolutions ordering Electric Light Co. to remove poles from streets, and for new water works.

11 - Through temporary arrangements electric lights turned on throughout city.

12 - Rev. George E. Guild preaches his tenth annual sermon at Providence.

13 - Martin W. O'Hora literally cut to pieces by cars at Portland D L & W. Barnum's circus exhibits in a drenching rain.

15 - Mines in Carbondale start on three-quarter time.

16 - Roland Reed and company given reception at Bicycle Club rooms. John Doran, at Maltby, kills his wife and takes his own life.

17 - Bernard McCann's house, Dunmore, destroyed by fire.

18 - Benjamin Greefield killed by cars near Finch's foundry. Mayor Ripple has execution issued against City Guard Association for $650.

20 - Clark's Green swept by cyclone, houses unroofed, trees, orchards and fences levelled. Work commenced on Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton railroad at Hancock.

21 - James Farrell, Jermyn, commits suicide in Maplewood cemetery, Carbondale, by shooting. Mrs. Joll throws her new born babe in a vault. J. W. Boice dies.

22 - Edward Coslett drowned in a pond at Glenburn.

23 - New insane building at Hillside Farm formally opened to public - 300 visitors. Two buildings of Thomas O'Connell, Carbondale, burned. Frank Compton, Pittston, murders his wife and then kills himself.

24 - The corner-stone of the new front to the North Main Avenue M. E. Church laid by Mrs. O. P. Wright, wife of the pastor.

25 - Scranton City Bank closed. George A. Jessup arrested for embezzlement.

26 - Chief Arthur attends meeting of the Locomotive Engineers, Academy of Music. Rev. Steans preaches to G. A. R. men, Washburn street church. Rev. Swentzel preaches against prohibition amendment.

27 - Dunnings incorporated as a borough. Bennehoff's novelty store, Penn avenue, gutted by fire. Injunction cases of D & H and Forest City roads discharged.

28 - Irving Cliff hotel, Honesdale, burned - loss $60,000, insured $30,000. Suburban and Crosstown street railways consolidated. John Randall killed by cars at Pittston. Christian Endeavor Union holds fifth annual meeting in Washburn street church.

29 - Michael Durkan falls down Pine Brook shaft and is instantly killed.

30 - Memorial Day generally observed, parade in the afternoon, entertainment at Academy in evening. Baptist excursion to Lake Ariel. D & H excursion to Farview.


To cleanse blankets, put two large tablespoonfuls of borax and one-half a bar of white soap (cut up the soap into thin shavings with a knife before putting in the water) into a tub of lukewarm water; when the soap and borax are dissolved, put in the blankets and let them remain in soak over night; next morning wash well and rinse in two waters, and hang out to dry without wringing them at all.


2 - All the churches take up subscriptions for Johnstown survivors. Rev. Dr. Chadwick, New York, preaches in Adams avenue church on Work for Freedmen. Robert, son of James Tighe, drowned at Pittston.

3 - Meeting of citizens in Rowing Association hall to take action for relief of Johnstown sufferers.

4 - $5,000 raised for the flood sufferers at meeting in Armory. Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association meets in YMCA Hall. Lackawanna County Bible School Institute held at Jermyn.

5 - Citizens send car load of provisions and clothing to Williamsport flood sufferers. Body of Nathan Bennett, of Wilkes-Barre, found in river at Plymouth.

6 - Dunmore Baptist Chapel formally opened for worship. New M. E. Church, Dallas, dedicated.

7 - Running race at Driving Park between Mssrs. R. M. Scranton and George Jermyn.

9 - Children's day at Green Ridge Presbyterian Church.

10 - Agricultural Association buys the Driving Park for $50,000. Patrick Curley, Reese Lloyd, Richard Williams, David McNeal killed in Nottingham mine, Deputy County Treasurer, Wilkes-Barre, badly injured accident Lehigh Valley.

11 - Miss Kate Field lectures at Academy of Music on anti-prohibition.

12 - Members of Boston Coal Exchange visit this city. Martin Mullin has foot taken off by electric car. Closing exercises Wyoming Seminary takes place.

13 - James McGardy mysteriously killed near Dodgetown bridge. Reception to Boston Coal Exchange at Board of Trade rooms. Ezra Griffin Post gives entertainment at Academy for Johnstown sufferers. T. Frank Penman appointed Internal Revenue Collector 12th District.

14 - Scranton's cash contributions to flood sufferers $16,000. Hayden Evans' organ recital Second Presbyterian Church. John Zuschnitt suicides at Hazleton.

15 - Sunday school children parade in the interest of prohibition amendment. Policeman David Thomas fally shoots Thomas Schelling at Edwardsville.

16 - Four hundred persons visit Nay-Aug Falls. Children's day observed in Adams Avenue M. E. Second Presbyterian and Washburn street Presbyterian.

17 - Simon Novalk, Michael Andrew, John Kutchi, John Taylor fatally burned by explosion of gas, Nottingham breaker.

18 - George McKenzie charged with murder of his wife acquitted.

20 - Patrick Walsh killed on D & H road.

21 - Harry Somers, eight years old, killed by lightning at Green Ridge. Severe electrical, wind and rain storm. Twentieth anniversary of Keystone Academy observed at the Institution.

22 - Annual athletic field meeting of YMCA Gymnasium at Driving Park.

23 - Young people's day at Penn avenue Baptist Church.

25 - "Red Nose" Mike (Rizallo) executed at Wilkes-Barre for the murder of Paymaster McClure and Flannagan. A. J. Norrman dies suddenly. Carlo Grande convicted of manslaughter of Antonio Pandolph.

26 - High School Commencement at Academy of Music.

27 - Fifth annual re-union and banquet of High School Alumni held at Wyoming House. Commencement exercises St. John's school.

28 - Carbondale and Germyn electric railroad sold. Commencement of St. Patrick's parochial school.

29 - John Hines shoots Allen Comstock through both legs. Central Railroad of New Jersey commence running Sunday trains to Mountain Park. Edward Curry killed by cars at Mill Creek.

30 - Fourteenth anniversary of establishment of Green Ridge Presbyterian Church. Watts Cook, Paterson, NJ, addressed railroad men in YMCA Hall. Corner-stone of Polish Catholic Church, Pittston, laid. Michael Brown of Carbondale killed by cars at Buffalo.


1 - Judge Archbald dissolves preliminary injunction against Forest City R. R. by D & H; Prof. Dudley's summer school of Boston visits Nay-Aug falls, lecture on ferns in evening.

2 - Sixth annual commencement exercises of St. Mary's Academy.

3 - Dr. Eagle, Harrisburg, delivers the oration at the Wyoming massacre celebration.

4 - Business suspended, parades on South and West Sides and numerous picnics.

5 - Poor Board organized and elects John Stewart president.

7 - Stores and peanut stands closed by order of Mayor.

8 - Father Patrick T. Roche, Archbald, dies in Boston; testimony in county contested election was closed; Richard Davis killed at Wyoming colliery; Judge Archbald appoints nine examiners.

9 - The Saengerfest opens at Wilkes-Barre.

10 - Parade and picnic of musical societies, Wilkes-Barre.

12 - The Thirteenth regiment goes into camp at Lake Ariel; coroner's jury renders verdict that Chas. Shafer came to his death at the hands of his son, Walter Shafer; medals presented to victors in field sport YMCA Gymnasium; commence excavation for sheet ashphalt pave, Vine Street between Washington and Jefferson.

13 - The police shoot 30 unmuzzled canines; Ninth regiment goes into camp near Tunkhannock.

15 - Judge Archbald refuses the petition to surrender the Barrett children to their mother from St. Patrick's Orphanage.

16 - Boiler-makers at Dickson works stop work owing to decrease in wages.

17 - Gov. Beaver and staff inspect Ninth regiment at Camp Reynolds.

18 - Gov. Beaver and staff and U.S.A. officers inspect Thirteenth regiment at Camp Boies; corner stone of Welsh Presbyterian church, Wilkes-Barre, laid by Mrs. Morgan B. Williams; Rev. and Mrs. Geo. M. Peck celebrate their golden wedding.

19 - Lewis Jester and Jas. Murray give scientific exhibition of boxing, Dunmore.

20 - 13th regiment returns from Lake Ariel; John Stanton killed at Taylor mine; coroner's jury charge Edward Glynn and wife with poisoning Mrs. Mary Crahen, Pittston.

21 - J. Nelson Graves, Penn Ave market, fails.

23 - Scranton Hook and Ladder Co. picnic at Wahler's grove; Italian residents of Carbondale celebrate by parade and picnic; Engineer Griner badly scalded by explosion of engine on D & H road.

24 - Work commenced on the new D & H station, Lackawanna Ave.; cave in and explosion at Central mine, Robert Roberts and John Williams killed, and six persons injured, No. 14 school building and a number of residents badly damaged.

25 - Ordination of eleven deacons to the priesthood at St. Peter's Cathedral.

26 - James Rossie killed in mines of Spencer colliery; two barns of Patrick Regan, Moosic street, burned.

27 - Dr. Miner dies at Wilkes-Barre; four acres of surface caves in at Plains, affecting a number of houses.

29 - Striking foundrymen at Dickson works resume.

30 - Honesdale Liederkranz visits Scranton accompanied by Seeleyville cornet band; C.T.A.U. convention meets in St. Thomas College, Wyoming Avenue.

31 - Dr. J. W. Gibbs dies.


Keep your stove blacking-brush and plate handy, and after dinner each day brush off your stove, and you will find it much nicer than washing it off; besides, with an occasional brushing your stove will always look nicely, and if your stove is not kept looking clean, the whole kitchen looks untidy.

For fumigating with sulphur, three or four pounds should be used to every thousand cubic feet of air space. Burn in an old tin basin floating in a tub of water. Keep room closed twelve hours, to allow fumes to penetrate all cracks; then open a window from the outside, and allow the fumes to escape into the air


1 - Frame building lower end of Lackawanna Ave. falls and eight men injured; John Ayres drowned at Plymouth.

3 - Thomas Williams, of Providence, drowned at Lily Lake.

5 - George Jessup's coal interests sold D & H C Co., for $100,000; Wilkes-Barre base ball club disbands.

6 - Anthony Gallagher killed by cars at Nay-Aug Falls; Mrs. O'Brien killed on Washington Ave. crossing, D & H.

7 - Maggie Brace, five years old, crushed to death by a large flask at Finch's foundry falling upon her; Henry Jones killed by trip of cars at No. 4 Plane.

9 - Thomas P. Evans, Forty Fort, suicides by cutting his throat with a razor.

10 - John C. Roach, Pine Brook, fails.

11 - Rev. D. J. L. Williard, Westville, Conn., preaches at Second Presbyterian church.

13 - The young attorneys and law student held their first moot court - Hon. Lemuel Amerman was provost; Peter Selitski found in water-closet on Whisky Hill, Wilkes-Barre, with two stab wounds just below the heart.

14 - Landslide at Berwick, train delayed for four hours; Grand Lodge, Sons of St. George, hold their annual session at Wilkes-Barre.

15 - Polish cemetery at Minooka blessed by Bishop O'Hara; Hiram Thomas had leg entirely cut off by cars at Taylorville.

16 - Two buildings belonging to Mrs. O'Boyle, Olyphant, destroyed by fire; Five Counties Veteran Association held tenth annual re-union at Honesdale, 1,000 veterans in parade, the town beautifully decorated; John Shaffer hanged himself to a tree near Hazleton.

17 - John Jennings killed on D L & W road; Sam Crane, who eloped with Mrs. Fraunfelter, arrested in New York; Richard Hopkins killed by a D & H train.

19 - N. C. Curtis has an arm taken off by being caught between two locomotives; Sam Crane and Mrs. Fraunfelter, the elopers, brought from New York and lodged in jail.

22 - Dedication of boys' hall, and inauguration of Prof. W. D. Brown of Keystone Academy, Factoryville; five persons burned by explosion in mine at Olyphant.

23 - Commence work for asphalt pave on Spruce between Washington and Wyoming Avenues; Company C of Pittston wins the trophy at Downing range.

24 - Paul Gerher killed by a falling tree; Irvin Fraunfelter arrested for perjury.

26 - Scranton Leiderkranz society have an excursion to Farview, where they are joined by the Honesdale societies.

28 - A delegation of city officials and citizens of Utica visit this city to inspect electric railway system; William G. Snyder falls from a cart at Jermyn and has neck broken.

30 - Brakeman Spoonenberger instantly killed at Nescopeck.


For a cold in the chest there is no better specific for most persons than well-boiled or roasted onions. They may not agree with everyone, but to persons with good digestion they will not only be found to be a most excellent remedy for a cough, and the clogging of the bronchial tubes which is usually the cause of the cold, but if eaten freely at the outset of the cold they will break up what promised, from the severity of the attack, to be a most serious one.

The use of fine sawdust - which may be treated with medicaments or antiseptics - has been proposed as a clean and comfortable dressing for wounds.

In the steamer City of New York there are eighteen electric lamp circuits with a total of seven and one-half miles of wire and 1,117 lamps.


2 - Labor Day was not observed in this city or valley; Mrs. Nelson's house on Birch street destroyed by fire; new public high school building, Pittston, dedicated.

3 - The Abington Bible School Association holds its annual convention at Carbondale; the public schools of this city open.

4 - Quinn & McGreavy's store at Dunmore robbed; Howard Fleming drowned in the Susquehanna at Wilkes-Barre.

5 - Richard Shovling is drawn up 200 feet in the providence shaft by holding to an iron bar of the carriage; John Gara thrown off an L. V. train and killed.

6 - Henry C. Doud dies suddenly at Ashbury Park, aged 45; a horse of Dr. Hand's killed by stepping upon an electric wire.

7 - Michael Macheysis, watchman D., L., & W., Clark's Summit, struck by a train and killed; preliminary injunction granted restraining Scranton and Forest City Railroad Company crossing lands of Roswell P. Patterson at Blakely and Winton; also building their road to certain grade in Winton borough.

8 - William Kane has an arm and leg broken by falling from a tree.

9 - Andrew Carlin, contractor, Sugar Notch, killed in a mine; Samuel Burkhart run over on the Valley road and killed; Miss Mary Ann Bell suicides by drowning in reservoir at Avoca.

10 - The Lackawanna County Fair opens; Cymrodorion Fair opens in Mears' Hall; Michael Walsh killed n the Winton Colliery.

11 - Daniel B. Brainard dies, aged 64.

12 - The annual parade of firemen takes place in a severe rain storm; annual convention of W.C.T.U. held in Washburn Street Presbyterian Church; Michael Maloney killed on E. & W. V. road; George Fowler whirled to death in machinery in Wyoming shovel works.

14 - The gambling den at 215 Lackawanna avenue raided and seven prominent men arrested.

15 - Reunion of railroad brakemen, and 800 visiting delegates present.

16 - D L & W Mutual Aid Association runs an excursion to Lake Hopatcong; work commenced on new D & H station, Lackawanna Avenue.

17 - Reunion and parade of the survivors of the 132d Pa. Vol., entertainment in the evening at Academy and Hudge Gunster delivers the address of welcome; Chief of Police Watkins of Parsons run over by cars and killed; A.D. Lord's carriage shop, double dwelling of Wm. Bright, blacksmith shop of Samuel Davis and dwelling of Love, Providence, destroyed by fire.

18 - Patrick Keegan killed by cars in D. L & W yard; Michael Gaughan killed at L. I. & C. Co's mills.

22 - The corner stone of the new Saint John's Catholic church laid at Pittston, Bishop O'Hara officiating.

23 - An Epworth League organized at the Adams Avenue M. E. Church; Judge Archbald in the Olyphant tax collector case decides the act of '85 unconstitutional; Lewis Drake found dead in a barn in Kingston and Jerry Probst drowned at Luzerne borough.

24 - Dave Henninger kills three bears near Broadhead's tannery, Spring Brook; managers of the Home visit Hillside Farm to the number of 36; a child of Thos. Vredenburg scalded to death, Wilkes-Barre.

25 - Reunion and parade of the veterans of the 52d Regiment Pa. Vol., collation at Armory and camp-fire at Academy.

27 - Mrs. Zachariah Biesecker, Taylorville, fatally burned.

28 - Rev. Dennis O'Haran, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Wilkes-Barre, dies, aged 60; Chas. Blake, aged 53, killed on Lehigh Valley road.

29 - Patrick Timlin run over by cars at Taylorville, and killed.

30 - Judge Archbald decides that City Treasurer Simpson is entitled to a fee for handling the money of the School Board; George Barney killed by a runaway team at Wilkes-Barre.


If a bedstead creaks at each movement of the sleeper, wrap the ends of each slat in an old newspaper, it will prevent it.


1 - National Grand Lodge of J. A. P. A. held at German Odd Fellows' Hall, parade and entertainment at Music Hall.

2 - A female base ball club and Modocks play a game at the Driving Park, 1,000 persons present.

3 - The Scranton Rowing Association opens its new club house at Lake Ariel; John Scott's body found in the Lackawanna river, Providence.

4 - Mrs. Martin Ferguson's building, Green Ridge, burned; slight fire in Big 6 store; Edward Dooley run over by cars and killed; Hugh Nolan killed at Murray shaft.

6 - Mathew Webb falls under engine and has both feet badly mangled.

7 - The affairs of the Scranton City Bank amicably adjusted by directors' and depositors' committee.

8 - The Wyoming Ministerial Association of the M. E. Church assembles in Green Ridge Church.

9 - Headhouse Bellevue shaft burned - loss $25,000; Dr. McGlynn lectures in Academy on "How to Abolish Poverty;" Seventh street railroad line opened; Jas. Lush arrested for graveyard insurance.

10 - George W. Moss, Wilkes-Barre, murders his wife and mortally wounds himself; the Father Mathew Temperance societies of Lackawanna parade, with 3,000 men in line.

11 - Dr. S. C. Logan, Henry Berlin, Jr., and H. M. Boies made addresses at the formal opening of the Pennsylvania Oral School; Peter McManaman killed in the Stanton breaker.

12 - A large black bear killed near Lackawanna; James Burch defeats Thomas Perkins in a 150-yard race at Driving Park.

13 - First Welsh Baptist Church, West Side, dedicated.

14 - Knights of Malta Grand Commandery of America meets at Wilkes-Barre.

15 - "Judas Maccabeus" performed in the First Welsh Baptist Church; Hertzog, the forger, brought from New York to Wilkes-Barre on a requisition.

16 - Solon Davis whirled to death in a fly-wheel at L. I. & C. Co's mill.

17 - D. W. Connelly, Esq., Master, files his report in Scranton City Bank failure; Hillside Coal and Iron Company commence running cars in mine by electric motors.

18 - S. B. Price, Esq., files exceptions to the report of Master in the Scranton City Bank case.

19 - Edward Payson Darling dies at Wilkes-Barre, aged 58.

20 - Sugar Notch M. E. Church dedicated.

21 - Lackawanna County Teachers' Institute opens in Academy of Music; Anthony O'Hara killed in No. 5 colliery.

22 - Commissioners in contested election file their report; Polish Church riot at Plymouth.

24 - One hundred barrels of oil burned at the Green Ridge glass works.

25 - Dr. Hand's barn, Oakford alley, partially destroyed by fire.

26 - Coroner's jury censures officials in charge for explosion at No. 2 mine, Olyphant.

27 - Eight builds destroyed by fire at the corners Dunmore, loss $40,000; Jacob Sontag murdered by Paul Hayds, South Washington Flats; Dr. J. E. Price preaches farewell sermon at Adams Avenue M. E. Church.

28 - Seven person injured by a wreck on the Erie and Wyoming road near Hawley.

29 - Simon Hony and John Moyles fatally injured by explosion of boiler at Pierce coal mine, Archbald; Lake Winola House, at Lake Winola, burned.

30 - Mrs. Joll of Carbondale found guilty of manslaughter in concealing birth of child.

31 - Martin Schultz stabs and shoots Patrick Hughes fatally in a quarrel, in Nineteenth ward.


A yellow book issued at Pekin, gives the population of China proper, in 1887, at 303,241,889.

Brazil is almost wholly a Roman Catholic State, having a population of 14,000,000 and has an area of 3,000,000 square miles.


1 - David Halliday, Jr., crushed to death under locomotive at Ashley.

3 - Edward Scott, Pittston, and his horse drowned in the Lackawanna river at Lover's Lane; Dr. Spencer resigns pastorate of Penn avenue Baptist Church.

4 - Theodore Thomas' Orchestra gives two concerts at Armory in Wilkes-Barre.

5 - Judge Hand talks to the Lackawanna Law Club on "Inns of Court, London;" Mrs. Elmer E. Lee, Greenfield, suicides by drowning.

6 - Clark's chrysanthemum show opens at Armory; Michael Williams has a leg taken off at Lehigh Colliery.

7 - Meeting of citizens in Board of Trade rooms in the interest of better roads; Grand Lodge officers of Masons visit Hiram Lodge, Providence, banquet at Bristol House.

8 - Both sides file exceptions to the commissioners report in contested election.

9 - Judge Archbald grants preliminary injunction restraining Hillside Coal and Iron Co. from interfering with Grassy mine.

10 - Three men killed by explosion of boilers at Pardee mines.

11 - A serious squeeze at Spencer mine; six burglars arrested near White Haven and jailed at Wilkes-Barre.

12 - Councils repeal ordinance for $90,000 municipal building loan; John Briegel breaks ground for his new building on Spruce-st.; Baptist conference held at Dalton.

13 - Directors of the Traders National Bank elected; N. G. Goodman's barn burned; St. Luke's fair opens in the Burr building; Ely Post, G. A. R., holds campfire at Armory, Wilkes-Barre.

14 - John Hean has a leg taken off by cars at blast furnace; Edward Hanlon, the great oarsman, makes his stage debut in this city with "Dark Secret" company; Adam Morry run over by cars at Harrisburg and an arm cut off.

15 - Water commenced running over the apron of the new reservoir of the gas and water company at Dunning; Judge Hand purchases 20 feet of the Dr. Haggerty property on Washington Ave. for $25,000; William Sulgowsky acquitted of the charge of the murder of Peter Selitski, Wilkes-Barre.

16 - Dr. C. A. Conklin found dead in his office in Coal Exchange, paralytic stroke; Samuel Drew dies, aged 61; Job Davis killed on D L & W by passenger train.

17 - Michael Sullivan falls off Hyde Park bridge and breaks a leg; weather flags displayed on court house under U.S. Signal Service by Dr. Heebner; fire breaks out in Sugar Notch mine; William Meade killed on D & H.

18 - Typographical Union holds a successful ball at Turner Hall.

22 - National conference of R. R. Y. M. C. A. meets in YMCA Hall, Robert Harris, New York, delivers address; Mike Ratchford killed at Pierce Coal Company's mine, Archbald; Deputy Sheriff Briggs ejects Peter Howley from property, Sixteenth ward; James Rogers arrested for inciting a riot.

23 - Son of Michael Hughes drowned in Lackawanna river near Providence.

24 - Building of Andrew Crane's estate, occupied by Loewenberg Bros. & Eckhouse, lower Lackawanna avenue, burned; Lackawanna Bible Society meets in Providence Church, North End; Baptist Chapel, Dunmore, dedicated.

25 - Patrick Munley, Archbald, falls in excavation, Hull Building, lower Lackawanna avenue, and fatally injured.

26 - A. J. Colborn addresses Y. W. C. A. on "Night Scenes in the Bible."

28 - Union Thanksgiving services held in First Presbyterian Church; eisteddfod in Mears' Hall under auspices of the Dr. Parry Glee Society.

29 - The dead body of Jacob Reis found in Roaring Brook, Nay-Aug tunnel, with bullet hole in forehead; Hon. A. G. Horr lectures at Y. M. C. A. on "Genuine vs. Shams"; the new Baptist Church in Dunmore organized.

30 - Coroner's jury render verdict that Jacob Reis killed himself.


1 - Dr. Williams preaches a sermon to the members of Griffin Post, G. A. R. and the Ladies' Auxiliary; Dr. Burr's barn, in rear of his building on Washington avenue, almost totally destroyed by fire.

2 - Irwin Fraunfelter arrested for complicity in the Denier matter; Judge Archbald files a decree making the Carbondale and Providence turnpike a free road, damages fixed at $12,000.

3 - Charles Musils beheaded by a train on the D L & W road; informal reception tendered Judge Sittzer, of Tunkhannock, by the Lackawanna Law Club; first concert of a series by the New York Philharmonic Club, at the Academy; Rev. D. C. Hughes welcomed as pastor of Jackson street Baptist church by the congregation.

4 - Four men killed, and several injured in a railroad accident at Wilkes-Barre.

5 - Snow falls for several hours.

6 - New school building, No. 26, opened to the public for inspection.

7 - All the gates on the Carbondale and Providence turnpike cut down by a committee from this city; The Ninth Regiment Band fair opens in Armory, Wilkes-Barre; the Wilkes-Barre and West Side electric road formally opened.

8 - Parade of Polish and Catholic societies in honor of blessing the flags of the former's church.

10 - Mr. T. Frank Penman and Miss May Pughe married.

12 - John Conroy has a leg cut off by the cars near Dunning.

13 - Dr. C. C. Laubach talks on the teeth at the YMCA rooms.

14 - Several inches of snow falls - first sleighing of the winter.

15 - Rev. Dr. Spencer preaches his farewell sermon at the Penn avenue Baptist church.

16 - Company H opens a fair at their Armory; Luzerne County Teachers' Institute opens in Music Hall, Wilkes-Barre; four Hungarians killed by a D L & W train near Duryea; the Farmers' Institute convenes at Dalton.

18 - Wolf Johnson convicted of receiving stolen goods.

19 - Mr. J. W. Howard talks at Board of Trade on roads and road-making; Wolf Johnson found guilty of receiving stolen goods and sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment.

20 - The New England Society holds its annual banquet at Frothingham's Arcade.

23 - Mayor Ripple banquets the police force at Hanley's dining-room; Catholic fair opens in basement of College of St. Aquin.

24 - Wolf Johnson released on bail.

25 - Thermometer indicated 60 degrees in the shade - most remarkable Christmas ever experienced in this section.

27 - Installation of officers and banquet of UNion Lodge of Masons; E. P. Kingsbury presented with silver service; Burges Kerr's hardware store, Plymouth, destroyed by fire; several houses wrecked by cave in at Plains.

28 - William P. Williams crushed to death between cars in D L & W yard; Judge Gunster, at instance of Jos. Curt, grants preliminary injunction against blowing steam trombone at Frothingham's Arcade; Stocking factory, Wilkes-Barre, burned.

29 - Christmas music was rendered in most of the churches.

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