LackawannaLackawanna County News

The Providence Register
The Providence Register, Saturday, June 23, 1912

[I did not copy the beginning of this article]

...rendered at No. 25 school.  The exercises were held in the rooms on the third floor and were very pleasing to all those present.  The class completes the term with an excellent record of forty-one members having successfully passed all the requirements for entrance to the High School.  Song "America," school address, William Cullen; recitation, "The Boy That Father Was," David Newton; duet, "The Balmy Shore," Florence Thomas and Gertrude Boyd; recitation, "Have Faith," Martha Morris; song, "Barefoot Boy," graduating class, recitation, "Six Times Nine," Pearl Williams; recitation, "When I'm a Man," Hadyn Shaw; song, "Honey Child," Matilda Telford; declamation, "On the Shores of Tennessee," Searle von Storch; solo, "Slumber Boat," Dorothy Nyhart; class poem, Robert Davis; quartet, "Springtime," Rose Goldberg, Angenetta Caldwell, Dorothy Nyhart and Naomi Simon; pantomine, eight little Japanese girls; class song, "Question," graduating class; presentation of diplomas, Principal R. H. Martin.

Closing Exercises at No. 40 School
Appropriate exercises marked the close of a successful year's work at No 40 school, of which Mrs. Marion Bloom is principal and Miss Cora Farnham assistant.  As is the custom in this school, every member of the class was promoted to the High school, Miss Ruth Akerly and Miss Carrie Heberger taking the highest honors.  Last evening Miss Jennie Graham entertained at her home on North Main avenue.  The members of the class are:  Ruth Akerly, Nellie Bellen, Caryle Butterworth, Minnie Cohen, Elizabeth Dean, Criddie Edwards, Jennie Graham, Mary Grady, Carrie Heberger, Mary Harte, Florence Jones, Leslie Jones, Mildred Johnson, Alice Kelly, Mercedes Lynch, Anna Narish, Paul Narish, Bertha Powell, Helen Scott, Mary Stark, Elsie Stansbury, Bessie Steinman, Beatris Seelig, Hazel Stark, Anthony Spudis, George Walker and Margaret Watkins.

The Providence Register, Saturday, March 2, 1912

Mrs. Hunt's class No 26, will give an entertainment and "A Day at the Know It All Woman's Club," Friday evening, March 8th, at the Providence M. E. church at 8 o'clock.  Admission 15 cents.

The annual banquet of the Tydvil Glee Club was held last evening in the club rooms in the Steele building.  A program of addresses, a banquet and dance added to the pleasures of the evening.  It was a very pleasant affair.

The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Dean, who died Monday at the age of thirty five years after a brief illness, was held Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, 1039 Diamond avenue.  Interment was made in the cemetery at Dalton.

The fourth annual recital of the pupils of Miss Elva Washburn was held at the Christian church Tuesday evening.  Miss Washburn was assisted by Dr. Hale, who sang "The Holy City" and "Mine."  Arthur Williams sang "My Own Folk," and Walter Brown rendered two violin solos, "Hummershe" and "Life Let Us Cherish."

The first issue of The Dunmorean, a new weekly paper published in our neighboring borough, will be issued today.  It will be full of excellent reading matter, nicely printed and devoted to the welfare and upbuilding of Dunmore.  The brothers Barrett, sons of P. A. Barrett, the gifted Scranton editor of the Elmira Telegram, are the publishers of the new paper.

The Providence Register, Saturday, January 18, 1913

Officers Elected
The following named persons are the newly elected officers of the Ladies Aid society of the Providence Methodist Episcopal church:  President, Mrs. Wm. Rymer; first vice-president, Mrs. Schiebel; third vice-president, Mrs. John Trethaway; secretary, Mrs. Will Jones; financial secretary, Mrs. L. M. Evans; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Constantine; chairman executive committee, Mrs. A. Cross.  The past year was a very successful one with the society, its social features being helpful to the church in a large measure.  Plans were started for such work the current year.

"Twenty Years Ago in Providence" [Jan. 1893]

Patrick Neary, aged ninety-three years, died at the residence of P. A. Boland.

The members of the North End dancing class went to Jermyn in a big sled and had a most delightful time.

Mrs. James Flynn, aged eighty-five years, died at the home of her son, Enos Flynn, on West Market street.

"Twenty Five Years Ago in Providence" [Jan., 1888]

A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson.

Mrs. Miriam Hodgson died at her home on Parker street.

D. E. Miller, a very prominent young man of Park Place, died.

Mr. John Stephens and Mrs. Lydia Robbins were united in marriage by alderman W. H. Tyler.

M. D. Roche, the attorney, well known in Providence, died at the home of his father-in-law, Capt. P. DeLacey.

William A. Mulley and Miss Hattie Payne were united in marriage by Rev. R. W. VanSchoick.  Many intimate friends witnessed the ceremony.

J. L. Atherton, O. P. Miller, W. C. McDonnell, B. S. Robinson, J. K. Smith, and others, accompanied by their wives, called at the residence of Aaron McDonnell and tendered Dr. and Mrs. A. Strang a delightful surprise and the evening was most happily spent.

The Providence Register, Saturday, February 1, 1913

The newly elected officers of Providence Conclave of Heptasophs were publicly installed on Tuesday evening.  Following the installation a social session was enjoyed and a pleasing program rendered.   The following are the newly elected and installed officers:  Past archon, P. J. Cannon; archon, Markus Bailey; provost, James Flynn; secretary, E. A. Biddleman; prelate, George B. Mead; financier, J. K. Smith; treasurer, O. P. Miller; inspector, C. B. Reese; warden, Arthur DeGraw; trustees, A. B. Munn, Lewis Huff, Charles Potter.

The Providence Register, Saturday, April 19, 1913

"Twenty Years Ago in Providence":  [1893]

A large barn of John Regan, on Oak street, was destroyed by fire.

The scaffolding was taken from the tower of the new No. 25 school building.

Mrs. Enos Flynn and niece, Miss Nellie Haggerty, left for a trip to the Southland.

Miss Effie Lewis, daughter of W. J. Lewis, left for Chicago to visit during the summer.

The Park House, located on the race course, near the D. & H. depot, was totally destroyed by fire.

John Merrigan, the fire bug, was detected in the act of setting fire to the barn of G. A. Kemmerling.

Henry Bamford resigned his position at the Mulley stores to accept one with Davis & Griffin, central city.

Mrs. Julia Turner, of Towanda, was visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts, on North Main avenue.

Rev. M. D. Fuller was reappointed pastor of the Providence M. E. church by the conference in session at Honesdale.

At a meeting of Washington Camp, No. 177, P. O. S. of A., John Stopford was presented with a very handsome set of dishes.  A social hour and refreshments were also enjoyed.

On April nineteenth a very hard storm visited this place.  Trees were blown over, roofs were carried away, shutters were torn from their places, windows were blown in, gardens were ruined and the rain fell in torrents but no serious damage was done, and no lives were lost.  It was one of the worst storms that ever visited Providence.

"Twenty-Five Years Ago in Providence" [1888]:

The mines were being worked on full time but work in all other lines was very scarce.

Mr. Frank Simpson and Miss Libbie Mills were joined in marriage by Rev. G. E. Guild.

Rev. Samuel Whaley preached the sunday morning sermon in the Presbyterian church.

Rev. George Forsyth was reappointed pastor of the Providence M. E. church by the conference at Oneonta.

Joseph Oliver strayed from his home and was found dead in a clump of bushes near Storrs shaft.  He was of unsound mind. The funeral services were held from his home on North Main avenue.  He was survived by a wife and two children.  He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Knights of the Golden Eagle.

The Providence Register, Saturday, May 24, 1913

John Flynn, aged forty-four years, died at his home on West Market street on last Saturday.  The funeral services were held on last Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Eliza A. Dorr, aged seventy-four years, died at her home, 215 Hill street, on last Thursday.  The funeral services will be held at the home on next Monday morning at ten o'clock.

Frank Alexander, for many years a resident of the Providence section and who conducted a merchant tailoring business on West Market street abut twenty-five years ago, died at his home in the central city on last Saturday night.  He was a very prominent Mason and a member of Schiller lodge.  He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. E. R. Bishop and two sons, Edgar R. and Arthur R.

The Providence Register, Saturday, June 14, 1913

Old Home Week Booming

The matter of an Old Home Week in Providence is meeting with great encouragement.  It is the talk of the city and county and the people are looking forward to the event as being one of the big things of the city.  At a meeting on last Tuesday evening committees were appointed as follows:  Dr. W. A. Sprout, chairman; transportation, James Clark, chairman; decorating, P. F. Gibbons, chairman; amusement, Alderman T. J. James, chairman; public safety, Lieutenant Ridgeway, chairman; music, P. C. Peuser, chairman; public safety, Lieutenant Ridgeway, chairman, and Sergeant John T. Saltry; parade, Nathan Jehu, chairman; advertising, William Meredith, chairman; press, Moses E. Harvey, chairman, and J. U. Hopewell.  The chairmen will select additional members of their committees.

Arrangements are now being made to send invitations to all former residents, and people living in Providence at the present time are requested to send the names of all such to any member of the committee.

There is going to be some great doings in old Razorville the last week in August.  We are going to have one grand week of holidays.  The stores will be decorated, the streets will be illuminated with ten thousand electric lights, bunting will be displayed on every side and thousands of people will be attracted to this section.

A souvenir program will be issued showing all new and the old buildings of Providence.  Pictures of "Before and After" of the Providence Square will be shown and many other important matters will be printed in it.  It will be a valuable book of history.

The Providence Register, Saturday, June 21, 1913

Miss Mary Jones is visiting friends and relatives in Stroudsburg.

M. J. Fox, the shoe man, made a business trip to Boston during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Frink, of Montrose, are visiting their son, L. B. Frink, North Main avenue.

Mrs. William Healy is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Jennings, West Market street.

W. C. Cowles will go to Mount Lookout today to assist in the institution of a new lodge of the Odd Fellows.

A. A. Vosburg and wife and son, Floyd, are enjoying their summer home "The Langcliffe," at Lake Winola.

Mrs. Prince Gaskell, wife of pitcher Gaskell, of the Scranton base ball club, is a guest of Mrs. D. U. Reese, Oak street.

Mrs. F. H. Emery, of 1739 North Washington avenue, has returned from a pleasant visit enjoyed with friends in New York city.

....School No. 25 received its annual call from E. K. Milligan, of New York, Tuesday.  Mr. Milligan finished at the school in 1869, and has never forgotten it.  He is still fairy godfather to the pupils, especially the boys.

A year ago when he visited he presented drums to the boys and took a crowd of them back with him to New York and showed them around.  He promised then that he would give medals to three pupils receiving the highest marks up to June l.  When he called he had the medals with him, one gold, one silver, and the third bronze.

The medals are oval in shape, carrying on one side the wreath of victory, the laurel and shield of honor, as well as the oil lamp on the edge of which is sealed [sic] an owl, typifying wisdom, while the oil symbolizes mid-night study.  The medals are fastened to orange and black ribbons, the school colors.

They were presented on Thursday at commencement of the school.  The gold medal went to Andrew Walker, the silver to Mary Flynn and the bronze to Charles Johnson.

The members of this year's class are:  Mary Flynn, Charles Johnson, Andrew Walker, Maurice Goldberg, Bert Lewis, Irene Davis, Sadie Jennings, Irene Cohen, Alfred Fray, Helen Palmer, Eleanor Parry, Catherine McCauley, Michael Healey, Frank Bielski, Clayton Bright, Nelson Davies, Daniel Jenkins, Ruth Jones, Ralph Smith, John Thomas, Margaret Williams, Frank Webster, William Hughes, John Losinsky, Margaret Corcoran, Harry Lewis, Stella Edwards, William McGraff, Carrie Harmon, Myrtle Shelp, Martha Thomas, Francis Keegan, Margaret Orgill, Helen Richards, Lillian Richards, Mary Chelki, Wilfred Gilboy, Lucy Graves and Michael Schultz.

The Providence Register, Saturday, October 4, 1913

William J. Fisher is dangerously ill at his home on Ferdinand street.

Mrs. Clarence Steele of North Main avenue, is convalescent after a serious illness of several days.

John Holleran, one of the best known residents of this section of the city, is very ill at his home on William street.

Alderman M. V. Morris and wife returned last Saturday from a two months' visit with friends in Wales.  They report as having a delightful time.

At the Holy Rosary chapel on last Tuesday afternoon Miss Catherine Flannigan and John Schofield were joined in marriage by Rev. P. A. Kane, assistant pastor of the church.

Rev. and Mrs. Max C. Wiant entertained the deacons and members of the North Main Avenue Baptist church at the parsonage on Oak Street on last Thursday evening....

"Twenty Years Ago in Providence" [1893]:

Miss Mame Lewis was visiting her aunt in Minersville.

Thomas Shotton was building his new home on Oak street.

James Reilly, a prominent young man of this section, died.

Hanah Flynn, aged ninety-one years, mother of Michael Flynn, died.

Work was commenced upon the erection of the Puritan Congregational church.

C. D. Helms, who was born in Providence in 1824, was killed on the N. Y. O. and W. Railway at Jermyn.

Mrs. Susan Birtley, widow of Valentine Birtley, aged eighty-seven years, died at her home on North Main avenue.

William D. Davis, aged sixty-one years, died at his home on Greene street. He was a member of the Ivorites.

Street car communication was established between Scranton and Archbald and the first car was operated on October first.

C. J. Gillespie and Miss Marguerite Keefer were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Honesdale.  Many friends from Providence witnessed the ceremony.

The Providence Register, Saturday, December 6, 1913

Patrolman Wesley Kresge is back on duty after a few days absence caused by injuries received in a runaway accident.

Mrs. Joseph Mendelsohn, of Buffalo, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cohen, West Market street.

The members of Bible Class No. 4, of the North Main avenue Baptist church were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. John Phillips, Warren street, on last Wednesday evening.

The members of The Knights of the New Covenant were delightfully entertained at the home of its vice-president, Mr. Thomas Price, on Green street, last evening....

Agnes, aged twelve years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. O'Horo, died at her home on Oak street on last Saturday after a few days illness of pneumonia. The funeral services were held on last Tuesday.

James Markitis, of Theodore street, was carrying his drill over his shoulder while walking through the gangway at No. 1 Colliery, Dunmore, on last Monday, when the drill came in contact with the mine motor wire overhead and the shock killed him almost instantly.

John Joyce, aged forty-five years, died at his home on Durkin avenue, on last Saturday morning after a brief illness.  He is survived by his wife and several children.  The funeral services were held on last Tuesday morning and interment was made in Cathedral cemerery.

The funeral of  Mrs. Martin Lynch, of 2031 Edna avenue, took place last Saturday morning with a solemn high mass in St. Mary's hall.  Rev. Father Hopkins and Rev. P. S. Kane were deacons, Rev. Father Manley and Father Flood were masters of ceremonies.  The pallbearers were:  Frank Murphy, Martin Flynn, Michael O'Malley, Thomas J. Lynch, Joseph Cannon and Normal Lynch. The funeral was largely attended, and there were many floral offerings. Burial was made in Cathedral cemetery.

"Twenty Five Years Ago in Providence" [1888] :

Prof. J. C. Taylor had charge of the night schools in No. 25 school building.

Miss Carrie Dickerson, of New Jersey, was visiting her brother, G. A. Dickerson.

The two children of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Morgan were very ill with scarlet fever.

Raymond J. Cowles and Miss Mary McGennis were joined in marriage at the residence of W. E. McGennis, by Rev. Z. W. Shepherd.

Charles Burke, aged seventeen years, son of Captain W. H. Burke, fell from a platform while at work at the Scranton Forge works and received injuries which caused his death.

Robert Pearce, aged forty-one years, son of Edmund Pearce, died at his home on North Main avenue after an illness of two weeks.  He was survived by his wife and one daughter.  The funeral services were conducted by the members of Lincoln lodge of Odd Fellows and interment was made in Dunmore cemetery.

The Providence Register, Saturday, March 28, 1914

Anna Bell West, of Pittston, was a visitor in this section recently.

Edward Gordon, the popular railroader, is very ill with pneumonia at the home of D. J. Fooley, North Main avenue.

Rev. R. L. Pfeil, of Carbondale, has accepted the call to the pastorate of the St. Pauls Lutheran church, Wood street.

Miss Marie Murphy and Martin Flynn, of Spaulding, Nebraska, have returned home after spending the past two months with friends and relatives here.

Mrs. Alvin Bisbing, of Giles street, suffered a stroke on last Tuesday and has been in a very precarious condition since....

The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Providence Presbyterian church will the home of Mrs. J. B. Casterline, 1717 Church avenue.

Joseph Bisbing, a well known young man of this section, who has been very ill for some time, is lying dangerously low at the home of Mrs. T. J. Hoag and prospects for his recovery are not very bright.

J. R. Atherton, president of the North Scranton Bank, gave a dinner to the Board of Directors of that splendid institution at the Scranton Club....

Mrs. Charles Ruch, of Northumberland and Mrs. Millard Gruver, of Kingston, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Max Wiant, at the Baptist parsonage yesterday and attended the Billy Sunday meeting at the tabernacle in the afternoon.

Mrs. George Paterson, formerly of this section, now living at Angolia, California, was injured by being thrown from her carriage while out riding recently but in a letter to friends she states that her injuries are not serious.

Karl McDonnell, formerly with the Tjitle Guaranty and Surety company, now with the Globe Indemnity Co., of New York, has been in Scranton during the past week and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDonnell, North Main avenue.

Mrs. Lenora Leonard, widow of John Leonard, and one of the oldest and best known residents of Scranton, died at ther home on Keyser avenue on last Wednesday, aged sixty years.  She is survived by several adult children....

Louis H. Wint, aged seventy-three years, a brother of the late Brigadier General Theodore Wint, died last Wednesday night....[He] was born in Allentown, Pa., in 1841, and came to Providence, where he had spent nearly all his life....Mr. Wint enlisted at the opening of the Civil war as a member of Schooley's famous battery and was later transferred to Company M, 112th Pennsylvania infantry....In July, 1865, he was discharged with the rank of orderly sergeant.  Several years later he married Miss Addie M. Rogers, who died in Providence in April, 1881.  Eight years later he married Miss Allie F. Williams, of Gibson, Pa.  She survives him with one brother, Irwin J. Wint. of this city; three sisters, Mrs. Charles Papst, of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Samuel Edgar and Mrs. Charles Hawley, both of this city....Interment in Forest Hill cemetery.

The Providence Register, Saturday, June 13, 1914

The funeral of Thomas Donnelly was held on last Tuesday and interment was made in Cathedral cemetery.

The ladies of the First Welsh Baptist church will serve ice cream on the church lawn next Wednesday evening.  Col T. D. Lewis drum corps will furnish the music.

The members of the Arrow Club will meet at the home of Ralph Smith, of Wayne avenue, on next Thursday evening and some very important business is to be transacted.

Mrs. Luke Gilmartin, aged forty years, living on Cusick avenue, was run down and killed by being struck by a train on the Lackawanna railroad on last Monday afternoon.

An entertainment will be given in the Dr. Jones Memorial Congregational church...under the direction of Miss Gwen Powell, one of this section's most popular young ladies....

Early cherries are nearly ripe but the boy and girl thieves enter yards and steal them before they are fit to pick.

The W. S. Meredith Market will be open this morning for the sale of the remaining goods in the store, which will be sold at very reasonable prices by Mr. Meredith.

A small house owned by  M. J. Horan on Margaret avenue, occupied by Simon Stunger until Monday, was damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars by fire on last Wednesday evening.

Thomas Neary died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anne Neary, on West Market street, on last Wednesday.  The funeral services were held yesterday morning and interment was made in Cathedral cemetery.

Johnathan Jones and Robert E. Jones, of this section, left Tuesday for Wales where they expect to spend the next two months.

Miss Agnes Murtaugh, of Oak street, and Patrick Herrity, of Keyser avenue, were united in marriage at the Holy Rosary church by Rev. P. A. Hopkins, on last Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Anna Davis, of 2005 North Main avenue, and Edward Jenkins, of Olyphant, were joined in marriage at the West Market street Baptist church parsonage on last Wednesday evening.

The alumni class of 1912 of No. 25 school held a very pleasing social session at the home of Miss Dorothy Nyhart, on Hollister avenue, last evening.  E. K. Milligan, a pupil of the school many years ago, was present and gave a very pleasing address.

Rev. Evore Evans, pastor of the Puriatan Congregational church, was in Williamsport the past few days in attendance at the commencement exercises of Dickinson seminary.  His son, Wilford, graduated with honors, his average being the highest of the senior class for the year.

Miss Mary Jones and Edward Butler were joined in marriage on last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reese, on Summit avenue, Rev. D. C. Edwards, pastor of the West Market Street Baptist church, officiating. The bride was neatly attired in a purple brocade traveling suit and carried a bouquet of roses.

At the Providence Presbyterian parsonage on last Wednesday, the pastor, Rev. Herman Fox, united in marriage Mrs. Lilliian Simpson-Daniels and Charles W. Bertine, both of this city.  They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Simpson, of Monsey avenue....

The Providence Register, Saturday, July 4, 1914

Mrs. David James is seriously ill at her home on Parker street.

Mrs. Patrick Grady, of Pawnee street, sailed for Europe on last Tuesday.

Floyd Beemer, cashier of the Providence Bank, will enjoy the Fourth of July with friends in Philadelphia.

The many friends of T. J. Reese, the insurance agent, will be pleased to learn that he is convalescent from his recent serious illness.

Miss Ann L. Davies, of Depot street, is home after spending the past several weeks in Binghamton.  she rendered several vocal selections in that place.

Dr. F. P. Mansuy, dentist in the Mulley building, has been in Philadelphia during the past week attending the dental convention....

Miss Margaret Kelly, of Warren street, and Francis Duggan, of Parker street, were married Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock in Holy Rosary church, by Rev. P. A. Hopkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Armit Thomas and son, John Archie, of William street, will leave this morning for Portsmouth, Maine, where they will visit their son, Dr. Grif. Thomas, and his wife....

The Misses Ethel Jenkins, Mary Anderson, Bertha Anderson, Mildred Palmer, Laura Atherton and Natalie Alworth returned home on last Monday after a ten days' outing enjoyed at "Hiawatha" cottage, Lake Winola, as the guests of Miss Jessie Lewis....

"Twenty Years Ago in Providence" [1894]:

The new bridge at Parker street was opened to the public for travel.

Rush D. Brader, a well known young man of this section, committed suicide by shooting himself.

C. H. Scharar was recovering from a very serious illness that had kept him in the house for some time.

Miss Bertha Lane, of Honesdale, enjoyed the Fourth of July with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Henwood, North Main avenue.

C. B. Davies and wife returned from Syracuse, N.Y., where they had been living for some time and took up their residence in Providence.

The Providence Register, Saturday, September 19, 1914

James Flynn, of 217 Oak street, was highly honored recently by being promoted to the foremanship of the Delaware and Hudson foundry.  Mr. Flynn has been employed by the Delaware and Hudson company, in this city, for the past thirty years.  This vacancy was caused by the death of William Widmayer, of Ross Avenue.

W. B. Rockwell, one of the best boys that ever walked the streets of Providence, and who was the first man to install electric lights in this city, the first being placed on the Providence Square, was a welcome visitor last Wednesday....

The graduating class of 1914 of the Providence High school met at the home of Esther Norton, of North Main avenue....A number of vocal and instrumental selections were rendered by Gertrude Martin, Gertrude Melavas, Mary Cullen and Mildred Brush....Those present were Gertrude Norton, Anna John, Margaret Reese, Julia Anderloucks, Mary Cullen, Esther Norton, Gertrude Melavas, Mildred Brush, Elfrick Norton, Willard Fry, Robert Cullen, David Brush, Kenneth Lee, Irvin Jones and Carl Padden.

The Providence Register, Saturday, October 24, 1914

Eugene Isadore, aged fifty-six years, died at his home on North Main avenue on last tuesday morning.  Interment was made in Cathedral cemetery yesterday.

Mrs. Edward T. Philbin, aged 34 years, died on last Wednesday morning at her home, 311 William street, after an illness of only a week.  She was stricken with la grippe a week ago.  The announcement of her death caused a deep shock to her many friends in the city and county.  Mrs. Philbin is survived by her husband, Edward T. Philbin, a prominent local attorney; her mother, Mrs. James Grady; one sister, Mrs. George McMullen, and one brother John Grady, of Grandview avenue.  She was married three years ago last February.  The funeral will be held from her late home this morning at 10 o'clock, with high mass in Holy Rosary church.  Rev. P. A. Hopkins will be the celebrant.

"Twenty-Five Years Ago in Providence" [1889]:

Rev. George Forsythe and wife returned from their wedding tour.  D. C. Steward was installed as Archon of Providence Conclave of Heptasophs.

Charles Moyer and Miss Carrie Snyder were united in marriage by Rev. Moses Harvey.

A. B. Stocker, a former resident, of Wichata, Kansas, was a welcome visitor among Providence friends.

Otto Myers and Miss L. L. Vail, of Binghamton, were united in marriage at Binghamton by Rev. Nichols.

Mrs. John Bryden and daughter, of Nineveh, were visiting at the home of O. P. Miller, Church avenue.

Mrs. Davies, wife of Rev. J. E. Davies, former pastor of the Welsh Baptist church died at her home in Plymouth.

Transcribed and provided by Anne Tullar, 2001-2.

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