LackawannaLackawanna County News

Scranton Tribune-Republican, Wednesday, December 21, 1910

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Patrick Harney, Moscow, trainman DL&W, in Hobooken, NJ, yesterday, brother Thomas Hanrney, sisters Mary, Anna, Margaret, Jean Harney

Thomas Austin, 73, veteran of Crimean and Indian Mutiny, died Monday (12/19), West Pittston

Michael Katol, 255 Elm St, laborer PA Coal Co, Dunmore, Monday (12/19) run down by engine


M/M J. Rossa McCormac, Indianapolis, guests of M/M P. J. McCormac, Blakely

E. A. Farrell, NY, returned after visit with relatives here (Olyphant)

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Miss Laura Melvin, from parents, Pittston Ave, yesterday, mass St. Joseph's, Interment Minooka cemetery, pb (cousins) Thomas, Joseph and Eugene Melvin, John Barry, John Conners, Joseph Burns

Mrs. Bridget Stone, from Mrs. Washington, 327 Fig St., mass- St. John's church, interment Cathedral, pb James McDonough, James Heffron, James Leonard, John Reidenbach, Charles and Andrew Gaffney


August W. Kraemer, Cedar ave, Kathleen Kellerman, Kellerman Ct., at bride's parents,, Rev. William A. Nordt, attended by brother William A. Kellerman, sister Elizabeth Kellerman.

George Weatherow, Wilkes-Barre, Catherine Egen, Wilkes-Barre, Monday (12/19) at Hickory St. Presbyterian, Rev. William A. Nordt, attended by M/M Charles Armburst, Wilkes-Barre



Chester Wheeler, Moscow, Steela Brown, Madisonville, in Scranton 12/14, trip to his sister's in Organe, NJ, will reside in Moscow with his mother. Madisonville news)


William Wintermute, last Sunday (12/18?), (Madisonville news)


Mrs. Martin, confined by rheumatism, at daughter's Mrs. Nellie Alt's, (Madisonville news)


son, M/M Allen Slutter, Thornhurst

Funeral trip:

Dr. W. L. Kauffman, left Tuesday for Lancaster to attend funeral of relative.

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Mrs. Jane Webb, N. Main Ave, yesterday, interment Chinchilla cemetery, pb John Morrell,Wallace Burgess, C. S. Jones, William Jenkins, John McCulloch and Harry Morris; David and James Price, flower bearers

Joseph Webb, Hollister ave, son of Mrs. Jane Webb, interment Chinchilla, pb James Edwards, George Peacock, James H. Jenkins, George Sanders, John Sexton, Ecan McGinnis ; flower-bearers Robert Walker, Charles Latcham, (N. Scranton news)

Miss Matilda McNish, Monday (12/19), 520 Mary st, Rev. J. E. Lloyd, cousin of deceased, interment Cathedral, p-b (cousins) Martin McNish, William McNish, Thomas Lynott, James Murtaugh, Thomas Meenehan, Reese James. flower-bearers Moses Miller, James Miller, Walter Kearney, Patrick Neary, (N. Scranton news)


Roy B. Hummel, Bethlehem, Alice M. Burns, Bethlehem, she formerly resided on Wells St, Scranton, Alderman M. V. Morris, (N. Scranton news)


dau, M/M Thomas Charters, Margaret Ave


M/M Nelson Atherton, Weston place, with Capt. / Mrs D. B. Atherton, Washington, DC

Fred Atkinson, NY Medical Hospital, home with parents, N. Main Ave.

Mrs. Armitt Thomas has returned from 3 mo guest of M/M Griffith Thomas, Eagle Lake, TX, (N Scranton news)

Miss Nellie Foust Parsons, Springfield, MA, holidays with M/M J. L. Atherton, E. Market St.

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M/M R. A. Reynolds, Katsonah, NY, guests of dau. Mrs. A. I. Fowler, New York st.

Miss Gluck, London, is visting her aunt, Mrs. James Gardner Sanderson, N. Washington ave.

M/M F. D. McGowan, foremrly of Scranton, locate at Key Route Inn, Oakland, CA for the winter

Miss Helen Harkell, Art Scoool of Philadelphia, visits aunt, Mrs. H. B. Reynolds, Sanderson ave.

M/M J. E. Parrish, Montreal, holiday with parents M/M Justin Parrish


Joseph S. Brown, Mulberry St., son of M/M David Brown, to Edith H, Perrin, of New York, recently.


Laura Adams Brown, daughter of M/M David Brown, Mulberry St, to Peter F. Rudolph, Eastfield, NJ

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Mrs. Joseph Gillen, died Monday (12/19) in NY, from mother's Mrs. Edward Cummings, Powderly road, mass St. Rose, interment St. Rose cem, Friday, (Carbondale news)

Mrs. Thomas Corby, Simpson, yesterday, mass St. Rose, interment St. Rose cem, (Carbondale news)

Thomas Gerrity, from brother Patrick Gerrity, west side Carbondale, yesterday, mass St. Rose, interment St. Rose cem, pb- Patrick Walsh, John Battle, Luke Larkin, Hugh Battle, Patrick Gilgallon, Patrick Brady

Funeral trip:

Mrs. S. V. Stockman, son James, at Starucca yesterday for funeral of relative


John Opalenack, Feltz Patch, miner Archbald mine, before Alderman John Lance, charge of changing tickets on mine cars.

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George Fletcher, 235 Meridian, yesterday, St. David's Episcopal, interment Forest Hill cem

Charles Olifsky, died Sat (12/17), son of M/M Adolf Olifsky, Jackson St, interment Lithuanian cemetery, W. Scranton

Mrs. Richard Stone, 321 Sixth ave., yesterday, mass St. John's German Catholic, interment Cathedral



John Reynolds, formerly of this section, in Wilkes-Barre, (W. Scranton news)


Frank Williams, N. Main ave, injured hand at work in Erie car shops

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Thomas Rotell, White Oak st, killed Monday (12/19), from home, Thursday, mass St. Thomas, interment Catholic cemetery, (Archbald news)


dau, M/M John Rosemargy, Hill St, (Archbald news)


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Dr. Richard Mackey, Moses-Taylor Hospital, visited father Dr. N. C. Mackey, (Waverly news)

Mrs. C. M. Parker, returned from Norfolk, VA visit with daughter Mrs. Carroll Dean, (Waverly news)

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Charles E. Becker, double dwelling, Irving ave nr Mulberry st, two stories wood, 32x48, $4850, Frank Moyer, contractor

Vaughn & Schwass, single dwelling, Stafford ave and Alder st, two stories, wood, 18x34 ft, $1500

A. G. Stonier, single dwelling, 824 Grandview, two stories, wood, 26x34 ft, $2500

Charles E. Becker, double dwelling on Irving ave nr Mulberry st., two stories, wood, 32x48 ft, cost $4850, Nay Aug Lumber co, contractor


Real estate transfer: Visit: Birth:

son, M/M John Gillner, (Sterling news)


Wesley Robinson, Simontown, last week, (Sterling news)

Anna Withers, Conklin, NY, Wed (12/14), (Kingsley news)

Miss Olive Hammond, 87, held Thurs (12/15) at Kingsley ME


Mabel Elizabeth Sweet, dau of M/M Clarence J. Sweet, Thursday (12/15), long list of guests, (Fleetville news)


Lemuel Webster, Syraccuse, came home ill Friday, (Kingsley news)


George LaBarr, Clyde Patterson, in Montrose, Dec. 13., (Kingsley news)


Mrs. Mary Hayes, about 82, at home of J. W. Dunn, Thursday (12/15)., burial in Maplewood cem., sis- Mrs. Douglass, Brooklyn, NY, (West Abington news)

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Wedding anniv, 25th:

M/M Joseph Fitch, Falls, invitations issued

List of Dunmore student home from college for holidays:

Marriage license:

Wiliam J. Williams, Carbondale, Grace Belknap, Carbondale

Martin Kelly, Scranton, Catherine M. Flynn, Scranton

Herman Miller, Clark`s Summit, Kathleen Henehan, Scranton


Weatherow-Bergen, in Scranton, Dec 191,1901. Rev. William A. Nordt,DD, George Weatherow, Catherine Egen, both of Wilkes-Barre

Kraemer-Kellerman, in Scranton, Dec 20, 1910, Rev. William A. Nordt, DD, August W. Kraemer and Kathleen Kellerman, both of Scranton

Martin Wheeler, Moscow, Stella Brown, Madisonville, in Scranton, last Wednesday (12/14), (Moscow news)

Gardener-Dimmock in Scranton, Thursday (12/15), attended from Moscow area, M/M J. E. Loveland, M/M Jesse Gardner, Mrs. Mary Gaige


dau, M/M John Rosemargy, Hill st, Archbald


Funeral: Trip:

Mrs. Edward Rohbacker attended graduation of two sisters as nurses in Philadelphia in the latter part of the week, (Moscow news)


M/M Ralph Kester, Daleville, moved to Conboy house on Lincoln st, recently occupied by Mrs. David Foley, (Moscow news)

Transcribed and contributed by Richard M. Reese, 2001
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