LackawannaKennedy's of Scranton News Items

Death of Mrs. Pauline J. Kennedy
An Aged Resident of the North End Passes Away

Miss Pauline Jayne Kennedy [note: all the genealogy records of her daughter-in-law, Amelia Carter Kennedy, wife of William D, show her name as Paulina], relict of James S. Kennedy, died at the residence of her son-in-law, George R. Clark, a few minutes after midnight Sunday morning of an attack of pleuro pneumonia. She was conscious to the last, her death affording one of those rare instances where a Christian spirit meets death with clear intellect and unclouded faith. Her remarkable unselfishness of character was shown in her continual thoughtfulness for those around her and her entire abnegation of self. Though suffering constantly from severe attacks of coughing, she never once seemed to think of herself. Her death was a beautiful exemplification of the passing of a soul into the life eternal.

Her sons and daughters were around her death bed and for such she had loving words and tender messages. She leaves surviving her four sons and six daughters--John J., William D., of this city; James T., of Wyoming; Frank E., of Pittston; Mrs. James Hicks of Elmont, Kansas; Mrs. L. C. Floyd of Binghamton, N. Y.; Mrs. S. E. Crandall of Belvidere, N. Y.; Mrs. George Forsythe of Owego, N. Y.; Mrs. D. T. Shook and Mrs. W. H. Stevens of this city.

Scranton Republican, Monday Morning, May 17, 1897

50th Wedding Anniversary,  Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kennedy, 1918

  One of the most delightful occasions in many a day in this city was the celebration yesterday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. William  D. Kennedy's golden wedding anniversary, at their home, 1717 North Washington avenue. Mr. Kennedy married Miss Amelia Carter fifty years ago yesterday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pulaski Carter, of Parker street, in what was then known as Capouse. The ceremony was read by Rev. Samuel Whaley, pastor of the Providence Presbyteran church. Mrs. Julia Forsyth, Mrs. D. F. Shock and P. P. Carter, who were present at the wedding, were also guests yesterday at the anniversary.

  The beautiful suburban homestead in Green Ridge was very attractive yesterday with its softly shaded lights and its profusion of flowers. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of many floral tributes. Huge baskets of yellow narcissus, daffodils and roses were sent by a large number of friends.  One of the notable effects was secured by means of a large basket of sweet peas, all rose pink in color. Bowls of lovely roses also appeared among the many gifts. The table in the dining room was spring-like in its adornment of yellow jonquils.

  The guests present were relatives and neighbors, comprising a small group that called to offer sincere felicitations. Mrs. William P. Kennedy and Mrs. L. C. Kennedy  were in charge of arrangements. About the rooms were the sons, William P., Dr. L. C.  Kennedy and Harold. Presiding at the table were Miss Genevra Shook and Miss Ada Carter. They were assisted in serving tea by Miss Olive Kennedy, who had come home from Wellesley to be with her grandparents on the happy occasion; Miss Hilda Kennedy and Miss Marjorie Stevens.

  Among those who called during the afternoon were: The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Weisley, Mrs. Julia Forsyth, Mrs. L. C. Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lindsay, Col. and  Mrs. F. L. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. D. F.  Shook., Mrs. Helen Stevens, Mr. and Mrs.  W. W. Inglis, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Clark, Mrs. R. J. Bennell, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Price, Mr. Carrie Langley, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dudley, Miss Tenney, Mrs. C. B. Penman, Mr. and  Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Mrs. Mehitable Kennedy, Miss Grace D. Hicks, Miss Pauline Shook, Miss Marjorie Stevens, Miss Phoebe Carter, Miss Ada Carter.

  The bride of fifty years belongs to a pioneer family of this valley, and one that is connected with people of distinction in Colonial and Revolutionary times. She has  more bars, indicating Revolutionary ancestry, than almost any other woman of the region, and is identified with the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the American Revolution  and the Scranton Colony of New England Women. She has been a member of the board of the Home for the Friendless almost from its beginning, and has in turn filled almost all the offices of importance from corresponding secretary to president. She has been on the  board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. for years, and there are few activities for the  betterment of the community with which she has not been identified at one time or another. She is an honorary member of the College club and is also a member of the Century club.

  Mrs. Kennedy's unusual mental abilities from her earliest years brought her into prominence in every great movement. She has talent as a writer, and for years her judgment was sought in many affairs affecting the interests of women. She has always had special recognition for her superior tact and her gifts as a peacemaker whenever any riffles affected the surface of affairs with which she was identified. In that respect, as well as in others, it might be devoutly wished that she might never, by reason of years or failing strength, drop the pleasant lines of her gentle sway. Women like that should live forever on earth.

  Mr. Kennedy was a soldier in the Civil war, having gone out with the emergency call in 1863, just before the Battle of Gettysburg, with the 30th Pennsylvania regiment. He is a member of Griffin post, 139, G. A. R. For  many years Mr. Kennedy was a member of the manufacturing firm of Carter & Kennedy.

  Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have four children, their three sons of this city, William P., of the business department of The Republican; Dr. Lucius C. Kennedy, the well known physician, and Harold, an attorney-at-law.  Their only daughter, Katharine, is the wife of Dr. William A. Sherman, of Newport, R. I., now identified prominently with the base hospital in that city. There are six grandchildren in the Kennedy family.

Note: The spelling of Providence Presbyteran is as printed, as are all names listed. Katharine should have been spelled Kathrine. After the words, "New England  Women" was inserted 1812 by an unknown person.

The newspaper from which this clipping was cut is unknown, but the date would be February 12, 1918, since they were married on February 11, 1868. The event took place in Scranton, PA.


Was Identified With Home For the Friendless, the Young Women's Christian Association, and Other Activities

  Mrs. Amelia Kennedy, wife of William DeWitt Kennedy, who passed away at her home, 1717 North Washington avenue, yesterday morning, as was announced in The Times, was for many years prominent in social and civic affairs in this city, and her keen interest and loving sympathy will be missed by many charitable associations. She had been in failing health for the past two years, and had gradually withdrawn from active work.

  Mrs. Kennedy was born in Scranton, April 29, 1844. She was the daughter of Pulaski and Olive Ingalls Carter. After attending the public schools of this city she completed her education in the seminary at East Greenwich, R. I., grad-uating in 1865. After graduation she taught for three years in Plymouth, Pa. Her mariage tok place in 1868. She was a faithful member of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church.

  Descended from a long line of illustrious ancestors of whom she was justly proud, Mrs. Kennedy was identified with a number of prominent patriotic organizations. She was a charter member of the Westmoreland chapter, United States Daughters of 1812, and the Scranton Colony of New England Women. She served the former organization, as regent. She also belonged to the Scranton City chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution; the Lackawanna county committee of  the Colonial Dames of America, and the Pennsylvania society of the Founders and Patriots and the Wyoming Com-memorative association. Among her an-cesters were men and women who assist-ed in making the history of this nation as early as 1636.

  In philanthropic work, Mrs. Kennedy was always actively interested. She was a charter member of the Y. W. C. A., and served for twenty-five years on its board of managers. In 1896 she was one of the editors for a woman's paper which the society published for one day, and which netted the society the sum of $4,000. For forty years she served on the board of managers at the Home for the Friendless, and during that time she held many offices, including that of president, vice president and secretary.

  Mrs. Kennedy was an honorary member of the College club, and a member of the Century club, having been identified with the Woman's club and the City Improvement league which merged in forming the Century club.

  Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Mrs. William A. Sherman, of Newport, R. I.; three sons, William P. Kennedy, Dr. Lucius Kennedy and Harold S. Kennedy, of Pittsburgh; a brother, Marvin P. Carter, of Stuart, Fla., six grandchildren and one great granddaughter. The funeral services will be held from the home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Note:  The identity of the newspaper is unknown. The date of Amelia Maria Carter Kennedy's death was July 23, 1923. Spelling is as in the original. Her husband, William DeWitt Kennedy, died November 06, 1928.

These are a few of Amelia Maria Carter Kennedy's documents passed down to me, Susan Carter White Pieroth, through her daughter's son. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, April 29, 1844, she was the daughter of Pulaski and Olive Ingalls Carter. For more information on the family, see my genealogy pages.

Transcribed and contributed by Susan Carter White Pieroth

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