Poli's Theatre

222 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania

"Scranton's Premiere Playhouse Formally Opened September 2nd 1907. The Theatre which has an established reputation for producing the creme of metropolitan successes both in Vaudeville & Stock." The illustration portion was done by Sarah Farley Allan.
The above advertisement is from the 1912 Board of Trade publication.

Programme for week January 13th, 1908
J. D. Williams & Bro., rebuilt after the 1906 fire Merchants and Mechanics Bank Next Week: SA-HERA Phila. Cloak & Suite House; Fasold & Colburn; Prendergast
Casey Brothers Liquor Taylor Pharmacy; Stieff Piano; Samter Bros.; Union National Bank J. D. Williams & Bros.; Reisman Bros. Book Store New England Advertising; Kramer Bros.; The Fashion
Bee Hive Jewelry; Cafe Martin; Hornbaker; Mears & Hagen London Harness; Hodgson; Tierney & Scott; Phelps Pharmacy; M. Silverman Umbrellas McConnell; Cafe Martin; Smith's Hats; Harry McNabb; Economy Jewelry The Fair; Keller & Harris; Margaret Bennett Wood; A. A. Oehlert; Scranton Candy Kitchen
The Williams & McAnulty Store Lauer & Marks; E. Schimpff; Epsteins; Davis Printing Scranton Garage & Motor Car Company B&S Shoes; Commercial Dining & Oyster House; E. O. Smith; Fadden's Shop; Lohman's Restaurant
Peoples' Department Store; S. Radin

E. Robinson's Sons Pilsener

Traders National Bank

Continued - 1914 Cast

The text and images on this page may by saved for personal research, but may not be published in any form, including on another web site, without specific permission. Text and images copyrighted 2004-5 by Susan Carter White Pieroth.
To the 1914 New Poli's Player
To the 1915 Program
Scranton Theaters: Poli and Academy
To Sarah Farley Allan Poli Theatre Illustrations
More Information on the Poli's Theatres.
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