Scranton 50 Years: 1866-1916
Magazine Section, Scranton Republican, September 30, 1916

Thank you Kim McGowan for transcribing the names! (Click images to enlarge.)
Celebration program, October 1 - 7. Pictured: Mayor E. B. Jermyn; Edwin F. Ferris; John H. Brooks; Mark K. Edgar; R. E. Weeks; C. H. Genter The Story of Scranton. Pictured: Joseph H. Scranton; Col. George W. Scranton; Selden T. Scranton.
George W. Scranton
Horace Greeley
Philip Abbott
James Abbott
Reuben Taylor
John Howe
Ebenezer Slocum
Benjamin Slocum
William Henry
H.W. Drinker
Edward Armstrong
Lord Charles Augustus Murray
William Henry
William Merrifield
William Ricketts
Zeno Albro
Selden T. Scranton
Sanford Grant
Joseph H. Scranton
Philip Mattes
Simon Ward
William H. Manness
Pulaski Carter
Captain Scott
Scranton in 1840 - original Slocum house.
Col. George W. Scranton
James Archbald
Maurice and William Werts
J.R. Wint
William Merrifield
Joseph Slocum
Coe F. Young
William H. Jessup
John C. Phelps
W.G. Ward
Edward Merrifield
A.B. Stevens
F.L. Hitchcock
J.R. Thomas
A. Miner Renshaw
F.W. Gunster
J.L. Lee
E.J. Lynett
James Lynch
Eugene Snyder
William N. Monies
Horace F. Barrett
Henry L. Gaige
Dennis Tierney
Scranton Pioneers. Pictured: William Henry; Joseph C. Platt; James Archbald; Joseph J. Albright.
George Whitfield Scranton
Selden T. Scranton
Joseph Hand Scranton
Joseph Jacob Albright
Joseph Curtis Platt
James Archbald
Thomas Dickson
Edward W. Weston
John B. Smith
William H. Richmond
John Jermyn
William Connell
William Henry
Erastus Scranton
Mary Marvine
Philip and James Abbot
Ebenezer Slocum
Captain Stott
Charles S. Weston
Col. Ira Tripp and His Team of Oxen.
John Jermyn
William Henry Richmond
Henry L.C. Von Storch
Theodore Von Storch
William Von Storch
Joseph Fellows
John J. Fellows
Charles H. Mattes
Philip H. Mattes
Richard A. Oakford
Frances Carey Slocum
James W. Oakford
Edward P. Kingsbury
Thomas Harper
John Gried
David, Jacob, and Samuel Friant
Isaac, Edward, and John T. Coslett
John, Peter, and William Lisk
Simon Jones
Benjamin Jay
Martin L. Newman
Charles W. Roessler
Richard Stillwell
Richard Olmstead
George L. Dickson
Thomas Dickson
Ira Tripp
William W. Winton
William Merrifield
John R. Fordham
Jeremiah L. Fordham
Joseph Godfrey
Fred S. Godfrey
U. M. Stowers
Reese G. Brooks
John Roger Davis
Martin Maloney
Abraham Polhemus
David Clemens
John B. Adams
William Reed Storrs
William N.  Monies
Joseph W., Edward, Peter, & P.F. Gunster
Lewis S. Watres
Mrs. Lewis S. Watres (Harriet G. Hollister)
Horace Hollister
Lewis Pughe
E.S.M. Hill
M. W. Loftus
Robert N. McKune
Terence V. Powderly
Francis A. Beamish
Ezra H. Ripple
John H. Fellows
James G. Bailey
James Moir
William L. Connell
Alex T. Connell
J. Benj. Dimmick
John Von Bergen
E.B. Jermyn
Messages of congratulations. Educational Opportunities.
I. E. Oppenheim
Dr. Horace Hollister
S.E. Weber
1859 view of Scranton. Growth of Scranton by Col. F. L. Hitchcock.
F.L. Hitchcock
Wm. Henry
Col. George W. Scranton
Selden T. Scranton
Sanford Grant
John Slocum
Elisha Hitchcock
William Merrifield
George Albro
William Rickettson
Thomas Dickson
Joseph J. Albright
John B. Smith
Joseph H. Scranton
Edward W. Weston
W.R. Storrs
William H. Richmond
Rev. John R. Williams
W.W. Scranton
Martin Maloney
Edward Mullen
H.M. Boles
Heart of Scranton, 1916. Some Scranton Men by E. Merrifield.
E. Merrifield
John C. Burgess
Joseph H. Scranton
George Dickson
W.G. Ward
John N. Conyingham
E.S.M. Hill
Charles H. Silkman
J.B. Adams
George Sanderson
George W. Scranton
J.C. Platt
Ira Tripp
Thomas Dickson
Sidney Broadbent
Benjamin H. Throop
Edward N. Willard
Nation's Electric City by David Spencer. Pictured: George Sanderson; W. W. Manness; William O'Hara; Joseph Slocum.
David Spencer
Dr. Hollister
Coal Mining by James S. Gibbons. Pictured: John Brisbin; Thomas Dickson; John Jermyn; William Connell.
James S. Gibbons
William Schull
Obediah Gore
Philip Ginther
William Hooker Smith
Jesse Fell
William & Maurice Wurts
H.C. Von Storch
Activities of Women by Mrs. C. B. Penman. Gravity road at Dunmore.
Mrs. C.B. Penman
Mrs. Ronald P. Gleason
Mrs. Everett Warren
Mrs. E.B. Jermyn
Mrs. S.B. Price
Miss Grace B. Hicks
Miss Stella Seymour
Mrs. H.C. Shafer
Mrs. William Matthews
Mrs. W.W. Scranton
Mrs. L.M. Gates
Mrs. C.D. Simpson
Mrs. E.H. Ripple
Mrs. J.L. Stelle
Mrs. W.H. Storrs
Mrs. William Connell
Mrs. G. Frank Reynolds
Mrs. A.E. Hunt
Mrs. A.B. Blair
Mrs. R.J. Matthews
Mrs. W.D. Kennedy
Mrs. I.F. Everhart
Mrs. William Hanley
Mrs. C.B. Scott
Mrs. W.W. Lathrope
Mrs. R.E. Hurley
Mrs. Charles S. Weston
Mrs. Edgar Sturge
Mrs. H.M. Boles
Mrs. H.J. Carr
Emma Reeder
Bertha McCurdy
Rachel Tolles
Nellie Lowrey
Charlotte Savage
Bertha Wood
Florence Tompkins
Lida Penfield
Helena Clark Cook
Josephine Horner
Katharine Perrin Simpson
Carolyn Paterson
Mrs. J.E. Sickler
Anna Russ
Mrs. J.M. Wainwright
Mrs. Robert A. Hull
Mrs. E.C. Dean
Lucy Lovell
Ethel Watkins
Mrs. H.F. Smith
Fannie Hannah
Mrs. Thomas J. Foster
Mrs. John F. Lewis
Mrs. Frances H. Doane
Mrs. J. Benj. Dimmick
R.W. Archbald
Mrs. F. Whitney Davis
Ebenezer Slocum
Francis Slocum
Mrs. Huldah Brown
Mrs. A.D. Preston
Mrs. J.M. Shackford
Harold Baynes
Mrs. Francis H. Coffin
Mrs. A.H. Storrs
Mrs. L.G. Van Nostrand
Rev. D.J. McGoldrick
Rev. P.J. Boland
Rev. A.J. Brennan
Mary McGowan
Margaret Gibbons
Dr. Anna C. Clarke
Mrs. Walter H. Coursen
Scranton and Binghamton Railroad. Bench and Bar. Pictured: Dr. H. Hollister; Rev. N. G. Parke; Lewis Pughe; Lewis S. Watres.
Walsingham G. Ward
Edward Merrifield
William S. Bentley
Garrick M. Harding
John Handley
William H. Stanton
Robert Woodrow Archbald
Alfred Hand
Henry A. Knapp
John F. Connelly
Frederick W. Gunster
Peter P. Smith
Henry M. Edwards
Postal History. Pictured: E. S. M. Hill; Edmund B. Jermyn; W. F. Hallstead; Col. H. M. Boles; Joseph A. Scranton; Col. Ezra H. Ripple.
John J. Durkin
R.R. Weisenfleu
W.D. Roche
W.T. Morgan
W.A. McDonough
Benjamin Slocum
Zephaniah Knapp
John Vaughn, Jr.
John W. Moore
Joel Amsden
Benjamin H. Throop
Laton S. Fuller
Douglas H. Jay
A.H. Coursen
W.H. Pier
James S. Slocum
J.A. Scranton
E.C. Fuller
D.W. Connelly
D.M. Jones
Frank M. Vandling
Ezra H. Ripple
John E. Barrett
John J. Durkin
William Merrifield
Robert Merrifield
Joseph Griffin
O.P. Clarke
Silas Wheeler
Augustus Davis
M.L. Blair
Thomas D. Thomas
Voltaire Searle
J.R. Bloom
John P. Harding
David S. Koon
Henry Reichard
Charles T. Atwater
Elizabeth Atwater
Sylvanus Estabrooks
H. Hollister
B.P. Couch
J.R. Bloom, Jr.
Henry Roberts
Franklin B. Woodward
Chas. E. Lathrop
John P. Kelly
George M. Watson
James W. Carpenter
E.C. Newcomb
James J. O’Neill
M.F. Sando
A.A. Vosburg
William J. Lewis
Patrick Moffitt
Charles B. Witmer
Lackawanna Railroad and stations in Scranton and area. For a larger version (one MG) click here.
Everhart Brass Works; Traders National Bank; Luther Keller; G. W. Fritz Scranton Schools, Central High. Pictured: W. W. Scranton; Orlando S. Johnson; E. P. Kingsbury; Charles F. Mattes.
O.S. Johnson
W.T. Smith
Asa Cobb
Edward C. Fuller
James Ruthven
R.A. Henry
Frederick Kreilick
John Nape
Julius Weiner
William Connell
Matthew Malia
Alexander Simpson
D.P. Thomas
Patrick Loftus
James R. James
G.W. George
David W. Thompson
M.J. Kelly
E.W. Simrell
A.W. Dickson
Charles F. Wagner
Anthony Winschank
James McCann
S.P. Paul
James C. Gallagher
William R. Wins
Isaac F. Fuller
William Connell
Patrick Kennedy
C.G. Boland
William Coghlan
J.H. Hawker
Joseph Roney
George W. Phillips
George W. Howell
S.E. Weber
George B. Carson
D.J. Thomas
C.H. Von Storch
D.J. Evans
Frank Hummler
John H. Williams
Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Odell
W.C. Bruning
C.H. Welles, Jr.
S.P. Longstreet
William J. Smith
Albert Kolb
German Building Association; County Savings Bank; Scranton Pump Co. - Dolph & Davis
Washburn, Williams & Co.; Walter W. Winton; First High School.
Rev. Thomas M. Cann
Rev. John D. Skilton
Herbert M. Merrill
Bishop William O’Hara
H.D. Buck
A.R. Whitmore
J.H. Seeley
J.N. Smoot
T.J. Foster
Scranton Bold and Nut; Gaynor Contracting; Ralph E. Weeks; Lackawanna Laundry "Spitfire" locomotive. Pictured: Edward Merrifield; Col. F. L. Hitchcock.
W.B. Bunnell
John Snaith
E.S.M. Hill
Wm. N. Monies
M.W. Loftus
Robert N. McKune
Terence V. Powderly
Francis A. Beamish
E.H. Ripple
John H. Fellows
William L. Connell
James G. Bailey
James Moir
Alex T. Connell
J. Benjamin Dimmick
John Von Bergen
Hotel Jermyn. Pictured: Edward S. Weston; Dr. B. H. Throop.
E.B. Jermyn
Edward Eisele
F.L. Hitchcock
Charles Schlager
Scranton Gas and Water. Stourbridge Lion locomotive.
Lewis Pughe
Benjamin Hughes
Joseph Slocum
Ambrose Mulley
Daniel Silkman
Jacob Robinson
David M. Jones
Henry Martyn Boies
Joseph A. Scranton
Joseph H. Scranton
Ezra H. Ripple
F.L. Hitchcock
William Connell
E.H. Ripple, Jr.
John Handley
William F. Hallstead
Joel Amsden
Alfred Hand
George Sanderson
James Blair
Imperial Brand Undermuslins; Union National Bank; Scranton Transfer; Blue Line Express; Wagner Fire Brick
Hotel Casey. Scranton Pioneers.
Horace Hollister
Charles Burr
E.T. Losey
Benjamin H. Throop
Orlando S. Johnson
Mary Meylert
Amos N. Meylert
Mrs. J.A. Scranton
Matthew W. Clarke
Patrick McCann
E.N. Willard
Edward M. Clarke
George W. Clarke
Edward Merrifield
William Merrifield
Miss A.J. Eldridge
Joseph Griffin
John Hawks
I.F. Everhart
Michael O’Boyle
Nathaniel B. Hutchinson
Henry L. Marvine
Henry A. Kingsbury
E.C. Lynde
A.S. Washburne
Peter Creter
John W. Moore
Abraham H. Coursen
F.L. Fuller
William H. Perkins
Thomas Parrot
David Morris
John Silkman
Walter Gorman
Jacob Robinson
Nathaniel Hallstead
D.J. Campbell
John B. Fish
Andrew Nicol
Michael Norton
Samuel Sykes
James O. Kiersted
William Matthews
Richard J. Matthews
C.P. Matthews
John E. Roche
Walter Dawson
Richard McHugh
James R. Everhart
Jere L. Atherton
Thomas H. Dale
William H. Silkman
Matthew H. Dale
J. W. Dickson
W.J. Lewis
W.H. Stanton
George W. Howell
John O’Hara
B.G. Morgan
W.G. Ward
Sidney Broadbent
Simon Ward
William Manness
Frederick Simons
Jacob Ferber
T.D. Lewis
John Gibbons
George Farber
Pulaski Carter
Joseph Church
Wm. Pike
J.R. Wint
Joseph Chase
David K. Kressler
John Phelps
A.G. Gilmore
A.A. Chase
Alexander W. Dixon
Charles Fuller
Peter Walsh
Elisha Phinney
Scranton Forging; Mellet Meat; Wm. Price Funeral; Maloney Oil Matthews Brothers druggists. Pictured: Joel Amsden; Martin Maloney; E. B. Sturges; William H. Richmond.
T.J. Foster
Edward B. Sturges
Orlando S. Johnson
J.S. Cox
Horace Hollister
Brooks & Company bankers; Anthracite Bridge; Williams Drop Forging; Finch Manufacturing Scranton Electric plant. Coal mining. Pictured: Benjamin Hughes; Reese G. Brooks.
George W. Scranton
J.S. Cox
John Jermyn
William H. Richmond
George W. & Selden T. Scranton
William Connell
James & Alexander Connell
Alfred Hand
A.G. Gilmore
William Griffith(s)
Lewis & Reilly footware, Fadden's ice cream, du Pont de Nemours. The Scranton Railway
Left: Kolb's Bakery, Consumers Ice Company. Scranton's Museums by R. N. Davis.
R.N. Davis
Charles LeRoy Wheeler
Dr. Everhart
B.M. Everhart
William Henry
Edward Armstrong
William Merrifield
George W. & Selden T. Scranton
Sanford Grand
William H. Mattes

Stowers Pork Packing and Provisions
Scanned 2008 and contributed September 2009 by Susan White Pieroth

Scranton Semi-Centennial Celebration and Third Industrial Exposition: 1866-1916 ( - free)
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